My blog had some serious troubles while I was away for a few days, but I should have everything up and running smoothly today, including comments (aside from those concerining poker and drugs).
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As some sharp-eyed reader may have already spotted, the SciencePunk blog has relocated to the Seed Media Group's ScienceBlogs. Let's take a moment to absorb these new surroundings.
OK, done? Those of you who have already run back to check will find it too has changed substantially…
As some sharp-eyed reader may have already spotted, the SciencePunk blog has relocated to the Seed Media Group's ScienceBlogs. Let's take a moment to absorb these new surroundings.
OK, done? Those of you who have already run back to check will find it too has changed substantially…
A couple of days ago I recommended a short information table that compared conventional small molecule drugs to biologics (antibody therapies and other peptides/proteins). It was quick and I recommended it for the average Terra Sig reader.
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Welcome to the August 2009 edition of Scientiae, the blog carnival of "stories of and from women in science, engineering, technology, and math."
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I'm honored to…
I have a question about extra strands on the X-chromosomes, when i was conceived i went through DNA testing due to my mothers age, they found an enlarged X, which it turns out my father has too but he was abandon and can not trace back his family, the scientists said that the same pattern is found in some North African and Brazilian tribes. I would like to get some more information, is there anyone who has written on the subject?