Sciencebloggers meet Science Writers

I'll be speaking on Saturday at the National Association of Science Writers annual meeting in Baltimore. I'll be discussing how writers can publicize science books in the age of the Internet. It's a subject I'm still figuring out for myself, so I won't be dispensing advice so much as sharing thoughts. Details are here.

I'm part of a scienceblogger invasion at the meeting. Matthew Nisbet will be there, talking about reporting on global warming, and Chris Mooney will be speaking about writing about science in new media.


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Question: Does anyone know the percent of dna humans and honeybees have in common. for example it is about 96% for chimps and humans. I heard that honeybees are in the 90's. Does anyone have an exact figure and source?

By ORLANDO VAZQUEZ (not verified) on 19 Dec 2007 #permalink