Calling All Readers at NYU

Tomrrow I'm heading down to New York to take part in the "Inside Out" speaker series at New York University's Department of Journalism. John Rennie, editor-in-chief at Scientific American, and I will try to answer the question, "Can two prominent magazine journalists find happiness blogging?" The inquisition, run by LA Times reporter and NYU writer-in-residence Lee Hotz is open to journalism students and faculty. It will take place the fifth floor atrium of 10 Washington Place, at 6 p.m on Tuesday. See you there.

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"Can two prominent magazine journalists find happiness blogging?"

Hmmm. Will be interested to see a follow-up post afterwards.

However, if the question of whether a reader can "find happiness" reading the blogging of one of them, record one "yes" vote on my behalf ...

By Scott Belyea (not verified) on 26 Feb 2007 #permalink

Is this talk open to the public or only to NYU students?

As far as I know, it's open to NYU people only. Sorry.