The Ink Keeps Spilling

i-edd114d087f0542d862d60e431720619-capsaicin.jpgHere's the latest addition to the Loom's science tattoo collection: from a food scientist, the molecule capsaicin, which makes chiles spicy.

To see all the new tattoos, check out my Flickr set. And keep them coming--either in the comment thread here, or emailed directly to me.

If you crave more science tattoos--not just on the body, but of the body, check out an awesome collection of anatomical tattoos. (Thanks to Steve)

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I approve of this post.

I'm grateful that you haven't started using the hideously ugly word "tat" in these posts.

This one looks like it is still inflamed. I suspect you are encouraging people.

I'm so happy I'm tattoo-less!