Science Tattoo Friday: A Textbook On Your Back

"My tattoo is from an Irving Geis illustration of DNA. I was attracted to his attention to the molecular detail while also drawing in a representational spiral that doesn't ignore the basic beauty of the double helix. This particular sequence (I've BLASTED) is too short to be specific to only one gene, but one human gene it's found it is the 5' UTR of one of our tight junctions."-Matthew MacDougall, 4th year medical student

Is there no end to the science tattoos out there?
See the 70 I've gotten so far at the Flickr set.

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Is that tattoo genuine...? It doesn't look quite centered on his spine, which would be odd, it also looks very clear and detailed...almost as if it's been overlaid from a graphic in Photoshop or something...


I've tried scrubbing (with soap). It will not come off. Whether that means it's genuine or not, I don't know.

By Matthew MacDougall (not verified) on 28 Sep 2007 #permalink

That is so cool!!!! It really makes me want on.

By DNA matron (not verified) on 28 Sep 2007 #permalink

Does anyone know where I could find the original image on the wall in this photo? Call me Mr Copycat, but I love this tattoo so much I'd like to get one similar.