Science Writing: A Workshop

In January I'll be running a workshop for science graduate students at Yale about how to write about science for non-scientists. It's going to be the second time around for me; last year's trial run was a wonderful experience, which confirmed to me that scientists-in-training these days want very much to be engaged in the public discussion of the stuff they do. Information about the workshop and how to register has just been posted on the Yale Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology web site (poster pdf) I'm told the slots are filling up fast, so if any readers at Yale are interested, check it out.


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I'll be yammering this week. First stop on the yak fest, tomorrow morning, is over in New Haven, where I'll be running the first session of a two-part science writing workshop for science graduate students at Yale. It's my second year at this, so I'm hoping it goes smoothly. We're going to record…

Are you doing one closer to Berkeley?? I'd be interested in that one!

I have been trying to improve my craft at writing. Several editors that were kind enough to make some recommendations suggested that I work my way through the following books:

The Art and Craft of Feature Writing
On Writing Well
Follow the Story
Write for Story
The Best American Science Writing

Michael Pollan teaches an advanced science writing course at Berkeley, but it is only for the journalism studens.

Heck, I'm not a "student" anymore (genetics PhD 2002), but I'd jump at the chance to attend a science writing workshop. Why so exclusive?

Karen--Thanks for the enthusiastic response. The workshop is for Yale students because Yale asked me to teach one for their students. It would require more time and effort than I can spare at the moment to run a workshop on my own open to all interested parties. But I'll post the workshop web site when it goes up and try to write a post or two to report on how the workshop went.