Science Tattoo Friday: Chaos And Order Battle For Aaron's Back

i-2db7ece6ad499570f17f96bbe85eabe5-Julia Tattoo 500.jpg

It is an approximation of the locus of connectedness for the Julia sets of the family of functions f(z) = z^2 + lambda/(z^2) (rotated by pi/2). This is analogous to the standard Mandelbrot set (which applies to the family f(z) = z^2 + c), but holds additional fascination because for lambda values which are in the interior of one of the subdomains of the connectedness locus, the Julia set is a Universal Curve. To me this represents the structure unifying chaos (since Julia sets are chaotic) and order (since Universal Curves act as a sort of catalog of all planar curves).--Aaron

The tattoos keep coming, and so do the visitors. So far over 212,000 visitors have come to the Flickr set alone, which doesn't count the post that started it all.

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There's lots of scope for cool science tattoos to be found in fractals.

By Mike from Ottawa (not verified) on 20 Oct 2007 #permalink