Autumn Leaves Make the Evening News

A quick note: I just found out I'll be on the ABC evening news tonight, about 5 minutes before the end of the show, talking about the mystery and glory of autumn leaves. I'll post a link when I find it.

Update: Voila.


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That was lovely, Carl. ABC's comments were a little goofy, but you did a good job getting the information across. I do wish there had been a better or repeated reference to your blog where people can read the whole article.

I'm from Vermont, and people come here to look at our fall leaves. If you bring in any more damn leaf-peepers I'll have your head.

A long time ago, when I was living in Nashville I read Mark Twain's 'Life on the Mississippi'. I loved it.

Towards the end there was a passage about how silly it was that the newspapers were always getting excited about the changing of the seasons, as it happens every year.

In lieu of your spot today, I thought you might be interested.

From the Nashville Chronicles:…