Science Tattoo Friday: Back with a Neurochemical Vengeance

serotonin.jpg "Here is a picture of my serotonin tattoo. I don't know that it needs much more explanation than it's my favorite neurotransmitter."--Hayley

I thought there were more science tattoo out there. Last week brought nothing, but this week brought the collection up to 85.

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And now it's my favourite neurotransmitter too!

I can see that this neurotransmitter really works. Is it addictive?

That's so awesome! I love that idea. I wonder if there is anyone out there that has their body tattooed in such a way as to label the muscles/tendons/blood vessels/etc... That would be... well creepy, but cool.

Oh, raver-girls. I love you AND serotonin! (It's funny how many people I know whose favorite neurotransmitter is serotonin...)

By Joe Ardent (not verified) on 05 Nov 2007 #permalink