David Corn: Bush Is a Loser

Then Corn decides to get mean about it:

The Bush-Cheney years have been marked by ineptitude, miscalculation, and scandal. A successful presidency? Bush will be lucky if he gets a public elementary school in his adopted hometown of Crawford, Tex., named after him. He has placed this country in a hole.

It's actually a good catalog of everything El Jefe Maximo has screwed up.

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Hell, even Corn can't list all the stuff ol' Alfalfa Male has screwed up. The Wilshire 5000 - one of the broadest measures of the equity market - is down 10% from its March 2000 peak. The real trade-weighted value of the dollar is down roughly 15%. We've added $3 trillion to gross Federal debt.

It's unbelievable that anyone give Kristol air time, considering how completely wring he's been on everything. But this is how the media operate now - keep in mind that a generation after he disgraced the nation, Oliver North has a TV show.