Time Magazine: One Out of Five Iraq War Veterans Has Experienced Brain Trauma

According to Richard Stengel, the managing editor of Time magazine, Time will run with a story claiming that twenty percent of Iraq War veterans have suffered brain trauma--that's 250,000 people:

When we got into the Iraq war we didn't know how long it would last. When we got into the Iraq war we didn't know how much it would cost. It's lasted longer, it's cost more than we ever expected. The real toll is coming out now. The Pentagon is releasing a report saying, one in five American serviceman and women who have been in Iraq are coming back with brain injuries. Mild, traumatic brain injuries. More than 250,000 people. That legacy of that will last all of our life times and it's incalculable.

If Stengel is correct (the article hasn't been published yet), this is horrific. And all in the service of invading the wrong fucking country.

Impeach Bush and Cheney now: every day counts. Meanwhile, bring our fellow citizens home. Now.

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When we got into the Iraq war we didn't know how long it would last. When we got into the Iraq war we didn't know how much it would cost. It's lasted longer, it's cost more than we ever expected. The real toll is coming out now