The Democratic Wing of the Democratic Party Wins an Election

Really. Democrat Donna Edwards beats Corrupticrat Al Wynn.

Edwards crushed Wynn 60-36, even though Wynn was supported by the Democratic 'leadership', including Pelosi. When precinct by precinct results are released, it will be very interesting to see if voting for Edwards is correlated with voting for Obama.

Chalk one up for the Vast Left-Wing Conspiracy.

Oops: I was so excited I made a typographical booboo. All better now.

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Voting for Edwards is, by definition, negatively correlated with voting for Wynn, i.e., people voted either for one or the other (or in a few rare cases, for some of the other candidates). Or am I missing something here (people being able to vote for two out of several candidates? runoff voting?)

I think you might have meant "Obama" instead of "Wynn"..... or something more obscure.