Legalization of Pot Has Higher Approval Ratings Than GOP

That's actually true, and pretty funny. Here are some other things liked more than Republicans:

--Opposing stricter gun control laws (40%)

--Congress (26-40%)

--The war in Iraq (39%)

--Decreasing immigration levels (39%)

--Privatizing Social Security (36%)

--Opposing investigating the Bush administration (34%)

--Opposing national, government run health insurance (32%)

--Vetoing stem cell research (31%)

--The Republican Party (31%)

--Dick Cheney (30%)

--George W. Bush (24-34%)

--Decreasing business regulations (28%)

--Rush Limbaugh (28%)

--Mitch McConnell (22%)

--Preventing the openly gay from serving in the military (17%)

--John Boehner (17%)

I think the Republican agenda still has veneral disease beat. This is actually a pretty serious problem for the GOP. Not that I give a shit.

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But if you get the clap, you can get penicillin, whereas if you are a Republican, there is apparently no cure.

Let the Republican party die, and there are plenty of pro-cannabis folks on the right that could build a new party. Just as no alcohol prohibitionist ought to be elected in any place, neither should cannabis prohibitionist parties exist eventually.

Mad Mike, your description of the list is b0rked. It's not a list of "some other things liked more than Republicans" but of (quote from the original source you linked to) "legalizing marijuana is more popular than all of the following". Indeed, since the thugs are in the middle of the list, at 31% ("The Republican Party"), it's hard to see how the list could possibly be of things more liked than that mob.

Mad Mike, your description of the list is b0rked. It's not a list of "some other things liked more than Republicans" but of