Thursday Links

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It reached 56F yesterday. In January. In Boston. Let's celebrate with some links. Science: A stunning year in climate science reveals that human civilization is on the precipice. The first anniversary of 'Climategate', Part 1: The media blows the story of the centuryU.S. Science-Funding Boost…
It's Thursday. And that means links. Or something. Science: China Second to US in research, set to pass in 2020Research Project Grant Support For "Younger Researchers"On the latest NIH soft-money kerfuffleCollins warns Universities to roll back soft money jobs...sortofShrimp's Dirty Secrets: Why…
Note: This is a repeat from ye olde blogge, brought about by the barn cleaning we're engaged in. From December to March or the beginning of April, we simply don't clean out the barn. This sounds as if it might be gross, but it really isn't - we keep layering on bedding, and sufficient carbon keeps…
I've written before about internet progressives. I've never liked the term progressive because I have always associated them with the Progressives of the late nineteenth century: good-government types who are not very concerned with economic justice. I'm all for good government, following the…

Obvious problem with the "surprise fetus" survey: It was restricted to people who answered Yes to "âvery important or somewhat important for them to avoid pregnancy right now.â

That means different things to men and women. If you are a man and you feel that way and your partner gets pregnant, that is too bad. If you are a woman and you feel that way and *you* get pregnant, you actually have to carry the damn thing! *You* might get morning sickness, *you* get to look like a whale, *you* get backache, etc., etc. The importance of avoiding pregnancy means different things to men and women. No wonder you get gender differences, and differences of the sort that show up.