Links 10/23/10

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It's Friday. Links for you. Science Why don't we just leave it to antimicrobials? Influenza Vaccine Mandates Few health benefits from genomic discovery Other: On "looking forward, not back" How to fix our schools Ultimate $uperpower: Supersized dollars drive "Waiting for Superman" agenda Backdoor…
Happy Sunny Saturday. If you're stuck inside, here are some links. Science: Healthcare providers still aren't washing their hands enough 'Jaw-dropping' levels of heavy metals found in whales Human foetus feels no pain before 24 weeks, study says. Finding in major review of scientific evidence…
It's a sunny Saturday here. If you're stuck inside, here are some links. Science: Cocaine detectors for parents are a terrible idea: Nearly being arrested for drug smuggling provided me with an excellent introduction to the problem of false positives The Revolution Will Not be Blogged, Either The…
It's nice out, but if you're stuck inside, here are some links for you. Science: This Hauser thing is getting hard to watch Creation Museum Creates Discomfort For Some Visitors (didn't know that guard dogs are what 'teaching the controversy' meant. Also, creationists 'debunk' evolution in real…

Apparently, you get to volunteer for council duty, and then the representatives are chosen by lot. I don't know how Jrette was selected to chair the thing next term. From what I've heard, she's been one of the most outspoken members of the school's environmental group since daycare days. Maybe she's simply been selected for being talkative.