Links 12/5/10

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It's Thursday. And that means links. Or something. Science: China Second to US in research, set to pass in 2020 Research Project Grant Support For "Younger Researchers" On the latest NIH soft-money kerfuffle Collins warns Universities to roll back soft money jobs...sortof Shrimp's Dirty Secrets…
Kinda cold here. Let's warm up with some links. Science: From the Trenches of the War on Science Friday Beetle Blogging: A Stunning Staphylinid Koalas bellow to attract a mate Crocodile tears from experienced NIH investigators over the discontinued A2 revision Disease!: Four billion dead Sequenced…
Before I get to an excellent NY Times article by David Leonhardt about taxes, I want to say why taxes shouldmust matter to scientists. Even so often, I get a link or a comment which decries my posts about politics*. But the lay of the political landscape is vital for scientists--and not just for…
Inside Higher Ed has an article on athletics and admissions based on an investigative report from the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. The report compares the SAT scores of football and basketball players to those of other students, but what it really highlights is the difference between science and…

That article on Wikileaks was interesting. It was a little teal deer for work, but I breezed through it because I had been thinking that it was a bit weird for the press to be assassinating Julian Assange's character like they have been. I thought the press would like him, because he gave them all this great material for stories but they seem to hate him. I figured maybe they were mad that he gave them so much stuff to have to read?