Links 1/22/11

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It's cold. Very cold. Warm up with some links. Science: The House Anti-Science Committee? My, Oh My, Oh MiSeq!! Genomes too cheap to meter (not sure I agree, but worth reading) Other: Where Is the Love Quote of the Day: Jenny McCarthy Helps Kill Children Gabrielle Giffords' Arizona shooting…
tags: Helsinki Finland, travel The Gates to HEL. Image: GrrlScientist, 17 February 2009 [larger view]. This is a photo from near the beginning of my epic journey (the beginning was when I finally managed to catch the subway to JFK in the first place -- a two hour ride!). A friend has flown me to…
If there's one fallacy that grips the brains of proponents of "natural healing," "holistic medicine," or, as the vast majority of it is, quackery, it's an appeal to nature. Basically, the idea that underlies the appeal to nature is a profane worship of nature as being, in essence, perfect, with…
President Trump’s callous and short-sighted executive order restricting US entry for refugees and travelers from certain countries is rightfully getting a lot of attention, but it risks overshadowing another destructive thing he did for global health during his first week in office: reinstating and…