
Hi, I just wanted to apologize for the lack of posting over the last month. I've had computer issues and traveling, which don't mix well together and have left me with few opportunities to blog. I'll be posting pretty much every day starting after the weekend.

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During my winter blogging break, I thought I'd repost of few of my "greatest hits" from my old blog, just so you all wouldn't miss me so much. This one is from September 24, 2007. This post follows up on my initial 2007 post which I reposted yesterday. It's worth noting that the blog has evolved…
I see Janet has a post series going on family + academic career. (Part 1; Part 2). I've written a bit on my own experience at the old blog (and I do mean "a bit;" it's much more of a Cliff notes version of events than Janet's), so I'm re-posting it here for another view from the trenches, so to…
Four years and four months ago, almost to the day, I started a humble little blog way over in a tiny corner of the blogosphere. Back in the day, there were few voices of women scientists in the blogosphere, and even fewer of women computer scientists. I had never had much luck keeping any…
For once, I actually managed not to miss it. For once, this day hasn't passed me by, leaving me not to remember its significance for a couple of days. For once, I haven't forgotten my blogiversary. Yes, as hard as it is to believe, I've been at this more or less nonstop just as long as a…

Chris, I just posted a link to Mixing Memory on our blogroll at Brains. If you could update the link on your blogroll, I would appreciate it. The url is now philosophyofbrains.com. Thanks.

Welcome back! :)
I was wondering what happened, I believed my favourite neuroblog changed its URL and I was searching in its home page where you could have written it! :)))