Worst posting frequency ever.

Sorry, this week evaporated. Back to regular posting Monday.

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I know you normally look forward to the weekend as a chance for our comments of the week, but I see that a great many of you have been commenting/posting and have been encountering problems. Specifically, the problem that the system appears to eat your comments. The time I would normally spend…
This one probably isn't the hardest quiz I've come up with, but give it a shot anyway. Here's the question: how is the specific airplane in this picture connected to atmospheric science research? Let's try something new this week: email your answer to me at dunford@scienceblogs.com instead of…
A couple of weeks ago, I posted some pictures of some large spiders and asked for help in identifying one of them. Jerry Cates of Bugs In The News got back to me quite quickly, and identified the mystery spider as Nephila clavipes - the same species as the other ones shown in that post. I took…
Sorry, I just realized I never got around to posting the link to the new Problem of the Week. I've generally been impressed with the comments that have been left on previous POTWs, so hopefully folks will find this one interesting as well. I think it's a little bit easier than the last two, but…