Bad ecologists. Bad, bad, bad ecologists.


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Christopher Hitchens has been debating a Christian pastor named Douglas Wilson on the subject of whether Christianity has been a force for good in the world. These debates were recorded, and assembled into a film called Collision. I haven't seen it, and I doubt that it will be showing in my small…
Conservative blogger Ben Domenech, in a stereotypical display of rightwing 'humor'*, writes an imaginary speech for Fred Thompson's withdrawal announcement (italics mine): I have never seen such a bunch of pansies strutting about pretending to be leaders. Rudy Giuliani? Slick cheater. Mike Huckabee…
[Update 1/21/2014 below] Christopher Michael Cantu, 22, loved Tejano music and was proud of his Mexican heritage.   His family says he was always happy, full of energy and a hard worker.  Those are probably some of the qualities that helped him get a job in May at Coastal Plating Inc. in Corpus…
Christopher Thomas needed to make some extra money. The 51-year old welderâalso a husband and father of twoâhad begun work in the GMD Shipyard in Brooklyn Navy Yard about a week before. It was mid-morning on a Saturdayâhis day offâbut Thomas had come into work anyway. He and some colleagues were…