Off to South Africa

I'm leaving shortly for the 2008 International Congress of Entomology in Durban, South Africa. This means another break from the blog for me, but when I return in mid-July there will be plenty of African insect photos.  St. Lucia, where I'm headed the week before the conference, has African weaver ants, Polyrhachis, Tetraponera, and host of other photogenic critters.  Apparently, they also have a problem with inappropriate mingling of wheelchairs and crocodiles (photo in St. Lucia by flickr user Chuha):

Fortunately, you won't be left all alone at Myrmecos blog.  Jo-anne will be guest-blogging for the next couple of weeks.


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While I was away the Photoshelter blog posted a recent interview I did with Allen Murabayashi, the company's CEO.  You can read it here, and I've also pasted it below the fold. I don't market my photos through an agency- my own sites work pretty well- but if I did, Photoshelter is one of the first…
Dorylus helvolus, KZN, South Africa Last night the internet arrived at our new house. I've celebrated the occasion by tackling the backlog of photo uploads. Over at the South Africa photos are starting to go up. The first batch covers Dorylus helvolus, a subterranean predatory ant…
I've had a week to digest the International Congress of Entomology (ICE) meeting held earlier this month in Durban, South Africa. Thousands of diverse presentations happening in 15 parallel sessions cannot easily be summed up in a single blog post, so I'll stick to a few of my own impressions of…
Oecophylla weaver ants are exceptionally cooperative subjects for photography, allowing for plenty of experimentation with lighting while the ants preen and pose. While developing the photographs from South Africa I discovered that strong backlighting allows a crystal-clear view of the tracheal…

dude is that sign for real? That's awesome, well not for the wheelchair-bound headed towards crocodiles I guess! It's some kind of pop-art.... I wonder if the gators sit around and are like here comes another one,... that's what you call fast food. Sorry couldn't resist.

Oh man, have fun! If any small fungus beetles in the genus Dictydiella should happen to cross your path, please don't hesitate to seize them and plunge them into 95% EtOH. You know, just in case. WILL TRADE AUSTRALIAN ANTS FOR SA LEIODIDS. :)

BugGirl ( sent me over here. Sorry to have missed you. I have a question:

I found an ant this afternoon exhibiting weird circling behaviour; running clockwise in a small circle. I was able to get a video of it.

I've posted it, with the details, on my blog, at…

If you have a moment, could you look at it and tell us what you think?
