Quiz #2 - Answers

1. Temnothorax curvispinosus

2. Polyergus sp. nr. breviceps

3. Aphaenogaster tenneesseensis (queen)

4. Aphaenogaster fulva/rudis complex

5. Camponotus pennsylvanicus

6. Pyramica reflexa


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Hey Alex,

I'm depressed! What about a quiz with ants from the Neotropics? ;)

Or even better.... Aussie ants!

Yer he spend enough time down under :-)))))

By Jack Jumper (not verified) on 20 Jun 2009 #permalink

Yes, those would be fun, but I've already posted my good photos of Aussie ants and Neotropical ants over at myrmecos.net, complete with names. Not as much of a challenge, no?