Specimen Request: Cerapachyines

Marek Borowiec writes in this morning with a request for ant specimens from the subfamily Cerapachyinae:

Dear Colleagues,

I am currently working on the ant subfamily Cerapachyinae. I plan to work on both alpha-taxonomy as well as phylogeny of these ants. In the course of my study I will need as much material as possible.

In addition to the traits already looked upon by other researchers, I want to explore as many new characters as possible, and so I plan to take a close look at both adults and immatures, the structure of metapleural, metatibial and metatarsal glands, sting apparatus, allometry, and other relevant characteristics hitherto treated only superficially.

My focus is on the non-monophyletic Cerapachyinae, but I will appreciate any samples of all the dorylomorphs (i.e., Aenictinae, Aenictogitoninae, Ecitoninae, Dorylinae and Leptanilloidinae).

I will be most interested in fresh material donated and available for dissections but will appreciate loans of any pinned or alcohol-preserved specimens. Iâm also open for collaborations and joint publishing.

So, if you happened to stumble upon a dorylomorph on your way, please let me know!

Best regards,


Marek L. Borowiec

Department of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Taxonomy,

Zoological Institute,

University of Wroclaw,

Przybyszewskiego 63/77, 51-148 Wroclaw, POLAND

e-mail: petiolus[at]gmail.com

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