Bug bloggers weigh in on Fox News's ignorance

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Right wing TV bloviators oppose scientific research. And in other news, dog bites man. By way of Bug Girl, I came across this story about Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson opposing the use of $187,632 of stimulus money to buy storage cabinets for Michigan State University's Albert J. Cook Arthropod…
I guess Fox News is starting a series of vignettes, hoping to show that stimulus money is being wasted.  In an early attempt, Hannity and Carlson track down an entomologist, at Michigan State University, who got a $200,000 grant from stimulus funds.  The scientist is href="http://www.ent.msu.edu/…
Elder offspring: Why do mice have long, naked tails? Dr. Free-Ride: Why do the tails of rats look so much like earthworms? Elder offspring: That doesn't answer my question. Dr. Free-Ride: Sorry, I thought we were just making a list of life's mysteries. * * * * * Younger offspring: Why are there so…
I realize there's nothing Earth-shattering about documenting right-wing bias on the Fox News Channel. But yesterday's panel on Hannity and Colmes really had to be seen to be believed. To discuss the conviction of Scotter Libby for perjury and obstruction of justice they had three guests. They…

I hope all of you insect bloggers are emailing these well-expressed commentaries to Hannity. Maybe a letter-writing campaign filling up his inbox with such thoughts for a while would at least give him a sense of the error of his thinking and the rather large number of toes he stepped on with his ill-considered bloviation.

Not that he'll ever do an on-air correction!