Back to school

I'm off to UCL, to enroll on the M.Sc. in neuroscience.

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Good luck, man. I went back to university at nearly 40 to take a masters' in software engineering. It was an amazing self-confidence boost to discover that my brain was still flexible and functional fifteen years after completing my PhD. I'd recommend it to anyone.

I'm doing the course part-time over two years, so I won't be starting my research until September '08.

Good luck

Your frequent reader

By skeptic4u (not verified) on 24 Sep 2007 #permalink

I would wish you luck, Mo, but I don't think you really need it. Based on what you've written on this blog, if anyone is intelligent enough to complete this course of study with great success, it is you!

My husband was a little bit younger when he decided to go back to school. He was a drop out, now he's the educating one :D
I enjoy reading your entries.