APA special feature on military mental health

The new issue of Monitor on Psychology, the American Psychology Association's monthly magazine, has a special feature on the mental health of military personnel.

The feature includes articles about the military's efforts to recruit and train psychologists, and the changes that are being made, following criticisms earlier this year, that the Department of Defense is neglecting the mental health of its troops.

(Via Mind Hacks)



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Call me cynical, but I find it interesting that immediately after the huge kerfluffle at the APA convention over torture by the military at Guantanamo, which ended in a far weaker condemnation of the practice than many would have liked, the APA is now publishing a special 8-article section in its magazine on how wonderful psychologists are in helping soldiers, and how much the military is doing to address the mental health concerns of warfighters. This really looks to me like an attempt to kiss up to those whom the APA might have offended.

the APA convention over torture by the military at Guantanamo, which ended in a far weaker condemnation of the practice than many would have liked, psychologists are in helping soldiers, and how much the military is doing to address the mental health concerns of war fighters. This really looks to me like an attempt to kiss up to those whom the APA might have offended.

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By johnson789 (not verified) on 24 Jun 2008 #permalink