Wellcome/ New Scientist essay competition

Here's something that I'll almost certainly be entering in two years' time (when, if all goes according to plan, I'll be a Ph.D. student again):

Wellcome Trust and New Scientist essay competition

The Wellcome Trust is inviting postgraduates in science, engineering or technology to tell the world about their research, through an annual essay competition run in partnership with New Scientist.

Prizes this year for outstanding essays include a two-week, expenses-paid media placement with 'New Scientist', £1000 spending money and publication of the winning essay in 'New Scientist'.

As well as communicating their science, researchers are encouraged to explore the possible implications of their work for society. The judges look for interesting, creative and fresh approaches, in a style that would appeal to readers of 'New Scientist'.

Winning essays to date have included Angela Smith's 2007 'Just in time?' and Nora Lydia Schultz's ' How to fold a fish: What cells do during neurulation', the 2006 winner.

Deadline for entries is Friday 30 May 2008.

(Thanks Ross)


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