Game Time

The fate of the US in the Cup will be decided very soon, with 2 games I CAN'T WATCH. AAAAAAAHHH! Our only hope, as I see it, is attack, attack, attack. Pound the ball at the goal. Don't give their goalie a chance to recover. Don't give them ANY chance to move the ball to our end of the field. Remember that even if we win, an Italy/Czech tie means we have a big goal differential to make up. And from the look of it, Ghana is a tough, fast team.

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Well its halftime, and you only need to score two goals to advance since Italy seems to be winning, 10 players to 11

Good luck ;)

Sounds fantastic. I caught the "penalty" shot. The fucker basically fell down on purpose in the box to draw the foul. I have been underwhelmed by the referees in every single game I've seen of this cup.