File it under "WTF?!"

A twelve year old boarder collie mix survived being frozen to the sidewalk for a whole night in Wisconsin. The overnight temperature dropped into the single digits, yet the elderly animal survived. How?

Jiffy, the unfortunate dog, is morbidly obese. "Being insulated as well as he was with the layers of fat he had probably saved the dog's life," said the Humane Society Shelter Manager, Carey Payne, in a news story

The dog's owner said she couldn't get the dog inside herself, and checked on him every few hours to make sure he was ok. The animal care workers poured warm water over the dog's back to gently release him from the ice. He is currently being evaluated for further damage, and the owner is being considered for animal neglect charges.

I don't know about you, but I could never leave my dog FROZEN TO THE SIDEWALK overnight. I'd be out there with hot water or a hairdryer or something. The poor thing!


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