If this face doesn't melt your heart...

... then you have no heart.

check out more pics of this guy at ZooBorns

Clouded leopard cubs are simply too cute for words.

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Yeah, I know, a clouded leopard cub has graced the weekly cute once before. But OMGZ how could I not post this picture? From the National Zoo a la ZoobornsClouded leopards (Neofelis nebulosa), by the way, are a vulnerable species of cat found in Southeast Asia. They're fairly small, growing only to…
Photo by Tracy Woodward, WaPo Yesterday, zookeepers at the National Zoo's Conservation and Research Center discovered two newborn clouded leopard cubs in the enclosure of their mother, Jao Chu. This is a big deal because it is notoriously difficult to breed clouded leopards in captivity: males can…
ZooBorns is a new site dedicated to scarfing up everyone else's internet traffic by posting nothing but cute baby animals, like these Red Panda Cubs recently born in the Edmonton Valley Zoo: Zooborn is produced by Chris and Andrew, who are very dedicated animal-symps. Andrew runs the blog…
(It's worth noting, however, that this may also be useful advice for interactions with others offline.) I don't know what's in your heart. I don't know what's in your mind. I don't have direct access to either of those (because I'm a distinct person from you), and if I did, you'd probably feel…