Weekly Dose of Cute: Bongo, baby!

No, not the small little drums. I'm talking about Bongos, the vibrant antelopes:

c/o the Houston Zoo and ZooBorns

Bongos are a kind of large antelope native to the lowlands and some mountains of Africa. They're at least two different subspecies: Tragelaphus eurycerus eurycerus (the lowland bongo) and Tragelaphus eurycerus isaaci (the eastern or mountain bongo). Both subspecies are facing constant threats; the lowland bongo is listed as near-threatened by the IUCN and the mountain bongo is endangered, with more specimens in captivity than in the wild (~400 in Zoos in North America). The eastern bongo is one of the most threatened large mammals in Africa, with the most recent estimates numbering less than 140 animals, far below a minimum sustainable viable population. Captive breeding is this subspecies last shot at survival.

On a completely side note, this reminds me of a Manu Chao song... I'm the king of bongo, baby, I'm the king of bongo-bong. King of the bongo, king of the bongo...

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