Research Blogging Award Finalists!

I know you've been on pins and needles waiting to hear, so I'm happy to report that the finalists are out! Congrats to everyone! There are some fantastic blogs in the running for some nice sums of cash. In a week or so, voting will open to allow research blogging members to vote for their favorites in a bunch of categories.

Research Blogging Awards 2010 FinalistI am so honored that Observations of a Nerd was chosen as a finalist not only in the "Best Blog -- Biology" and in the "Best Lay-Level Blog" categories, but one of my posts was chosen to compete for "Blog Post of the Year"! The judges were apparently very impressed with my post Evolution: The Curious Case of Dogs, which describes some recent research that looks into the incredible diversity of dog breeds and what that variety means in terms of evolution and selection. Thank you, judges, for the chance to compete!

Please, if you're a research blogger, be sure to vote when the polls open next week! And, of course, if you want to vote for me, I'd be honored!

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