The 3 Quarks Daily Finalists Have Been Announced!

... drumroll please....

i-281c643fd367e45b7eac95de1a03d11c-3quarksdailyfinalist.gifI'M IN!

I feel so honored to be chosen as one of the top 9 finalists!

Go check out the post that made it: Evolution: The Curious Case of Dogs

Of course, there are some FANTASTIC posts in the top set with me. Go check out all of them! They include my fellow sciblings Jason and Eric, as well as other great bloggers like Ed, Margaret and Carl. Basically, it's a list of everyone I mentioned before, plus a couple of other ones just for kicks ;)

Congrats to all, and good luck to everyone! I can't wait to see who Dawkins picks as the Top Quark!

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