Gulf Oil Damaging DNA? ... Ooo, wait, I know that guy!

Tonight's Nat Geo special about the Gulf Oil Spill and its lasting impacts looked interesting enough. Then I recognized the talking lab rat in it: Brian Zielinski, a classmate of mine from undergrad at Eckerd College. So cool, Brian!

But the gulf oil mutagenic? That is not cool.

*Oh, and as my dear friend Allie just pointed out, one of my old professors is in it, too. Hello Dr. Jonathan Cohen! How did I miss that the first time around?

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I had a disturbing thought. Some of the dispersants used are apparently pretty nasty compounds themselves. How the heck do you separate out the effects of the oil from the effect of the dispersants?

By Inquisitive Raven (not verified) on 02 Oct 2010 #permalink