Turning gay rams straight

i-2dbf77efcd9f25e7f18a7c3f82238053-pinksheep3.jpgOhh boy...here we go. From the New Scientist Blog:

An ongoing US experiment to turn "homosexual" rams straight by altering their hormone levels has sparked the ire of both gay activists and animal rights groups. The work is reportedly being carried out at Oregon State University in the city of Corvallis and at the Oregon Health and Science University in Portland.

I can imagine what groups like Love in action are going to do when they get their hands on this. From wikipedia (this article also highlights other groups like this):

Love in Action, or LIA, was founded in 1973 by John Evans and the Rev. Kent Philpott. It was the first group to publicize cases of homosexuals who had allegedly been converted or learned to abstain from homosexuality or homosexual feelings. After Evans' friend Jack McIntyre committed suicide out of despair concerning his inability to change, Evans left the project and denounced it as dangerous. He was quoted by the Wall Street Journal (April 21, 1993) as saying: "They're destroying people's lives. If you don't do their thing, you're not of God, you'll go to hell. They're living in a fantasy world."

Groups like this are going to start pushing hormone treatments on poor confused teenagers to help un-gay them - or even perhaps offering tests for parents to be to determine if their child will be turned on by members of the same sex. Would religious parents who found out they had a gay fetus (hahah.... that's just ridiculous!) abort it? After all aren't you allowed to kill gay people according to the bible - hmm... actually I think you would have to stone the fetus or something like that.

And what are gay groups going to do? yes thats right...Try to shut down the animal research showing that gay animals can be made straight since it might just show that they can be 'cured.' I doubt un gayifying someone would be this easy (I would think not - inducing animals to have sex is pretty easy but probably not so with humans) - but really shouldn't the research be done?

This research isn't even about gay people! Come on!
Farmers are just trying to have more successful herds! if an animal isn't mating it takes money away from the farmer. Leave the farmers alone!

actually... the research doesn't even seem to be about turning gay animals straight (thanks Mecha!)

Here's an old article (2002) from New Scientist about this research.

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And if humans don't mate, it takes future taxes away from their governments!

By Joel Bass (not verified) on 09 Jan 2007 #permalink

actually I'm not really looking to pick a fight - since i do pick on everyone (well I'm always looking to pick a fight with PETA...) ;)

Now that I'm reading some of the actual information on the study (thanks for the link) it seems that I should be picking on the journalists and PETA.

Do journalists ever read the original research?! - I guess I'm guilty of that as well...perhaps I should stop blogging about press articles and start reading the original research myself (sooo much time though!)