Winning Nobel prize allows you to live two more years!

i-3ba0dca61dfd4ed1f5049ce5b30e0139-nobel_prize_medal.jpgIt seems that if you win the Nobel prize you can live for 2 more years! Screw exercise and eating right - I'm gonna win the NOBEL PRIZE!!!!!
Anyone have any good research ideas? Just think you can be responsible for me living TWO MORE YEARS!

The average life span for this group was just over 76 years. Winners of the Nobel Prize were found to live 1.4 years longer on average (77.2 years) than those who had "merely" been nominated for a prize (who lived on average for 75.8 years). When the survey was restricted to only comparing winners and nominees from the same country, the longevity gap widened even more by around another two thirds of a year on average.

Professor Oswald said: "Status seems to work a kind of health-giving magic. Once we do the statistical corrections, walking across that platform in Stockholm apparently adds about 2 years to a scientist's life-span. How status does this, we just don't know."

Here's the EurekaAlert article

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that sounds about right to me!

I cant believe people make a living from this kinda BUUULLSHIIIIIT

why is it bullshit?

You know, the Nobel Prize isn't awarded posthumously. And it's rarely awarded for anything done in the 10 years preceding the award (in physics, for example, the average time between discovery and award is about 15 years with a standard deviation of 11--yeah, ELEVEN--friggin years). Therefore, a criterion for winning the Prize--surviving for years after making a worthy discovery--results in a selection biases toward longevity in the group of people receiving it.

But don't let that stop you from trying.