Help a ScienceBlogger

Remember those classic psychology experiments where people walk around for a couple days with glasses that either flip the image up/down or right/left and then their brain seems to adjust to the swap? I'm curious about the effect and would love to get a hold of some of the glasses they used.

Does anyone know of a commercial (or have one they can send me) pair of goggles that will do a left right image swap?


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I believe you could use an image erector for a telescope, "Terrestrial Image Erector - Straight View". One is here on this page...

Not too expensive either, and it is a straight not 45 degree.

By Eric Juve (not verified) on 27 Mar 2007 #permalink

Email Jim Matiya - he is easily Googleable. He is a high school teacher that makes (somewhat low-quality) inversion googles and he probably can work up left-right awapping as well.