Scientists prove dogs like beer

i-f255eadf5b425a15ee613ef4b52b3cbb-Unemployed-Scientists-Jump.article.jpgOk... not really but there is a great article in The Onion about some out of work scientists. Here's a snippet:

The team recently managed to secure a New Jersey state research subsidy of $2.55 by returning the empties.

McCarthy provided his Shar-Pei, Wrinkles, to serve as a control. Wrinkles was only given water to drink, though the team had to scrap one set of data due to confounding variables introduced when the control subject consumed 7.35 ounces of beer when the scientists' backs were turned.
Rogers and his team said they will continue their work in the burgeoning field of dog-beverage interaction.

"Our research raises tantalizing questions and opens the door to new areas of scientific inquiry," Rogers said. "Does Franklin like mixed drinks? Cordials, such as Kahlúa? It's all very, very exciting."

In addition to the ongoing study, Rogers said that the researchers have outlined a future experiment to study the effects of Cannabis sativa on Huang's cat, Schrödinger.


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I trust that all of the dogs used in the study were over the age of 18. If not, the researchers should be charged with contributing to the delinquency of minors.