Ex Football Star Publishes Book on his Multiple Personalities

i-585ce7532c15084caf28a1dfdfb737bf-hershelwalker.jpgJust a short note via Sports Illustrated:

Georgia football legend Herschel Walker is expected to reveal in an upcoming book that he has multiple personalities -- a revelation that surprises the man who coached the 1982 Heisman Trophy winner.
"Breaking Free" will chronicle Walker's life with multiple personality disorder, according to Shida Carr, the book's publicist at Simon & Schuster.

Carr said the book will be published in August, but gave no other details and declined to provide excerpts.

I wonder whether this developed after football? I'm curious to see the book when it comes out. Of course many in the mental health field don't buy dissociative personality disorder. But we'll give Herschel Walker a pass since he did win the Heisman Trophy.

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Does this explain why Herschel Walker was one of those personalities who consistently referred to himself in the third person? Tegumai needs to know.

By Tegumai Bopsul… (not verified) on 18 Jan 2008 #permalink

I was surprised to hear about him having a personality disorder when I heard about it. Glad he got help and is able to share his experience with others.