Birthday thanks

Quite a birthday party yesterday, eh? Thank you to all the nice people who wished me well and for that roundup of birthday congratulations by grrlscientist. I'm blushing still.

It's a dangerous business, having a birthday. Not only did my actual chronological age get exposed on the web for all to see (you people are geniuses to figure that out), but certain people used their detecting skills to break my cover, and post the first and only accurate photograph of me on the web. My anonymity is gone! Oh, well…at least everyone will understand why I get called an angry Darwinist.

Who you callin' a "Darwinist", punk?

More like this

You know, it's the rat race, and you're going a million miles an hour, and with all that domestic strife and international strife and strife in the domestic-foreign middle, and you know, strife, you don't even have time to remember it's your blog's birthday. Now I have to deal with the fallout.…
The series of interviews with some of the participants of the 2008 Science Blogging Conference was quite popular, so I decided to do the same thing again this year, posting interviews with some of the people who attended ScienceOnline'09 back in January. Today, I asked Daniel Brown from the…
The series of interviews with some of the participants of the 2008 Science Blogging Conference was quite popular, so I decided to do the same thing again this year, posting interviews with some of the people who attended ScienceOnline'09 back in January. Today, I asked Henry Gee, the senior editor…
Continuing with the tradition from last two years, I will occasionally post interviews with some of the participants of the ScienceOnline2010 conference that was held in the Research Triangle Park, NC back in January. See all the interviews in this series here. You can check out previous years'…

Who you callin' chump, chimp?

if chimps can use firearms, then why are there still

Also, will you let the monkey blog?

By mathpants (not verified) on 10 Mar 2006 #permalink

Uh-oh. Two problems:

1. Are you familiar with the Librarian? You should be aware of what happens to people who call great apes "monkeys".

2. Some would say the monkey is already doing all the blogging around here.

That photo has to be faked somehow. You are not that snappy a dresser, and I have never seen you in a tie.

By Dave Puskala (not verified) on 10 Mar 2006 #permalink

PZ is a typical Darwinist: ignores my important first question and focuses on unimportant little details in my second.

I rear up on my hind legs and find that ironic.

By mathpants (not verified) on 10 Mar 2006 #permalink

Hank Fox: seconded. The other comments were also very witty. I have high regard for you all.