That really doesn't belong there…

I've seen a few births, and they're messy, bloody, and tiring…but you know, it could be much worse.


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I don't know what's more amazing: seeing that wasp emerge, or that some Creationist idiot in comments over there is trying to argue that it doesn't pose any problem for his theology.

To me, this is the best argument against Intelligent Design: when you come right down to it, nature can be gross. You think God designed it that way?

The Bible makes it very clear that gross stuff came after The Fall, remember?

By george cauldron (not verified) on 11 Mar 2006 #permalink

The Bible makes it very clear that gross stuff came after The Fall, remember?

Yes, in the Garden, jeweled wasps pupated in bananas.

Yes, in the Garden, jeweled wasps pupated in bananas.

Well, that would still be gross if you wanted to eat the banana, wouldn't it? Besides, didn't you know God designed the banana to be the perfect food for us? No, really -- says so right here:

(Warning: don't go there unless you have a strong stomach. Or are in the mood for some particularly idiotic Christian apologetics)

Ah, the banana. The fruit the edible forms of which are all vegetatively propagated, and thus all die off whenever a disease or parasite finds a way to attack them; the fruit the wildtype of which is entirely inedible, so new edible one-in-a-billion mutants have to be found (or, these days, created) every so often, or the hundreds of millions relying on bananas for the majority of their diet will all starve...

... yep, that's the perfect food all right.

But it's created by man and/or natural selection, and that's bloody obvious to anyone who knows the first thing about bananas.