Really…I was only joking about the war on Easter. The wingnuts didn't have to take it seriously.
What's worse is that Minnesota may be Ground Zero: this is a real fake sign, so I'm a little concerned that someone is going to find a reason to blame me. While a little plagiarism gets one fired, I'm not sure what the penalty is for starting a culture war.

In related news, property values in St. Paul have just shot upwards.
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PZ, Did you mean that it was a real sign as in "an actual church posted this message" or as in "This is surely an indicator of our current social climate?"
Check out you can have all sorts of fun.
PZ, is that actually a real sign. It does say at the foot of the sign.
Look at the bottom of the sign:
I'm pretty sure it's NOT an actual sign.
Umm... you're joking, right PZ? You know that's not a real sign, right? ;)
Just to confirm, that's not a real sign. MNObserver wanted to use a real sign but I wouldn't let her because the church sign in question gave the names, home phone numbers and DHS ID#s of all the atheistic Easter Bunny haters in St. Paul, which, as I'm sure you all know, has been renamed to Paul, MN. [link]
The real horror is yet to come, when the inhabitants discover it was renamed after me.
In case you missed it, this article preceded your 'War on Easter' blog post:
St. Paul City Office Boots Easter Bunny
Ya, I've had my share of fun at I did a similar thing by making a few fake signs with their tool, and sending them to friends.
They couldn't believe those signs were real until I told them they in fact were not.
You can't just rename the city Paul. Just not enough syllables, especially being right next to that syllable-flashing Minneapolis. I think. How about Myers. Besides, it alliterates. Minneapolis-Myers. Has a nice ring, doesn't it?
That site is so cool. I recently drove in I 475 in Ohio ans saw a real church signs that said "How stupid is the one who does not believe" I wish I could have taken a picture
Hmmm. How Rumsfeldian: the not-real real and the real not-real. Kind of like the "Genuine Ersatz Spanish Fly" ads in the back of old comic books.
Dr. Myers! I cannot believe you let out the war on Easter secret! The war on Christmas was a public one, but we atheists had hoped to carry out clandestine attacks on Easter, bringing the holiday down before anyone even realized we were out to kill it. And now you've let the hat out of the bag. Our agents have been compromised. You're now a threat to atheist national security.
Heh. Somewhere in Los Angeles I vividly remember a billboard for a church that advertised itself as "A Church on Fire!"
The story linked by wamba has been picked up by Fox News! Video at BradBlog.
Speaking of church signs...
The penalty for starting a culture war? A syndicated talk show.
Oh, cool. The Church Sign Generator has a new sign.
Also, political correctness demands that Easter be destroyed. Think of all the poor lactose intolerant people.
This is serious; I need help. Thirty-five years ago, as a joke, my mother and I started sending one of those small, yellow, sugar Easter chickens called peeps back and forth. The challenge was to mail it from the strangest places. The peep has been mailed from Rome (after an appropriate crowd blessing by the Pope) ; from China, Mongolia and places in the Amazon. Seriously, it is the same peep 35 years later (we dont have much of a life and are starved for humor.) My question: While it is rock hard it is still the same peep. What are those things made out of and should we be feeding them to our children?
I just don't understand how people can attack these venerable christian symbols like bunnies, chickies and eggs. What would jesus say?
Also, political correctness demands that Easter be destroyed. Think of all the poor lactose intolerant people.
Chocolate-based holidays in no way discriminate against the lactase-challenged. *Real* chocolate != milk chocolate.
War on Easter, eh?......
I'm thinking barbecue bunny, served on a platter garnished with painted eggs and Peeps.
Oh, Theo. If I were to admit to the existence of such things my pretext for war would vanish. That can't be allowed to happen; there must be war.
You need to look into Peep Research
Wamba, Thank you, but I'm not sure it answers my questions: What are they made of and should we be feeding them to our children? Besides, it looks like all of the "tested" peeps were blue. My peep was/is yellow and I don't even want to think about the pink peeps. All I can say is keep on testing. Can I get a Ramen?