
I'm sure you all remember that "It Works, Bitches" comic—you can now get it on a t-shirt.


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My favorite part of this as a T-shirt is that it makes the point in public using a (mildly) 'naughty' word, which in my experience often leads to young children asking for an explanation from their parents.

It may be wrong, but I can't tell you how many times I reveived similar enjoyment from seeing a parent smack the hand their child pointing at my "God Is Just Pretend" bumper sticker.

*evil grin*

I'd get one, but here in Florida I could probably get arrested for wearing it.

Oh great, now we need a tshirt that says this too:

"Science: We finally figured out that you could separate fact from superstition by a completely radical method: observation. You can try things, measure them, and see how they work! Bitches."

DahhhH! Why do such things have to be so expensive for us broke folks ...

$14.95 is dirt cheap for a T-shirt these days, especially with something printed on it. You'd be lucky to pay $25 for something like this in a shop. The $3.50 for shipping is just a minor nuisance, rather like sales tax.