You were all drunk when you voted, weren't you...

The results of the scienceblogger "hot or not" contest are up, and they're definitely screwy. What am I doing at #4? What's the matter with you people?

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Yh, ths "scnc" blg s fll f pr rvw qlty mtrl.

Shsssshhhhh...ts shm tht ths crp pssss fr "scnc" blggng.

Cnfltng scnc wth thsm nd crtn pltcl vws s wht s msldng th pblc.

By Emanuel Goldstein (not verified) on 05 Sep 2006 #permalink

You had some tough competition.

By Nathan Perrier (not verified) on 05 Sep 2006 #permalink

On the internet, no one knows you're a gay sheep.

By Gay Sheep (not verified) on 05 Sep 2006 #permalink

Yh, ths "scnc" blg s fll f pr rvw qlty mtrl.

Shsssshhhhh...ts shm tht ths crp pssss fr "scnc" blggng.

Cnfltng scnc wth thsm nd crtn pltcl vws s wht s msldng th pblc.

I call troll.

By Pseudo-Buddhao… (not verified) on 05 Sep 2006 #permalink

I noticed that average male hotness ranked last, even behind non-humans of all varieties. In other words, iguanas and tree frogs were considered more attractive, on average. Ergo, I wouldn't let this 4th place ranking go to your head.

Oh, I was drunk too, which is why I forgot to vote. Had I voted I would have selected Ann Coulter as the hottest scientist, as she seems to know more about origins of the species than a bunch of beardy-guys with fancy book-learnin' degrees. Score one more for God's team!

but, but ... PZ implied not to take it seriously. so ...

... that means everyone that voted for PZ didn't really know him, at least as presented en blog. (sorry, i don't know French.) maybe the results would be different if they did?

yeah, otherwise, i think it's all lust for the opposite gender.

now, to do this properly, we need a random digit dialing thingy and record the gender of the people doing the choosing. that means either Gallup, or some poor upper class statistics seminar run primarily by overworked grad students.

guess which the budget can afford?

Obviously no one from Florida voted for you, because they were too busy voting for Kathryn Harris ... or maybe that was just Jesus.

Ann Coulter as the hottest scientist

my head just exploded.

Oh, I was drunk too, which is why I forgot to vote. Had I voted I would have selected Ann Coulter as the hottest scientist, as she seems to know more about origins of the species than a bunch of beardy-guys with fancy book-learnin' degrees. Score one more for God's team!

You must have been REALLY drunk.

You have to see PZ sometime when he's washing his car in his daisy-dukes and sandals with his t-shirt tied in a knot over his belly. That's what everyone was thinking of when they voted for him. Intellect schmintellect.

Number three on that list has a new fan.

By junk science (not verified) on 05 Sep 2006 #permalink

PZ, you got beaten by a couple girls!

By George Cauldron (not verified) on 05 Sep 2006 #permalink

For the next trick, let's do an anti-evolution hot-or-not. I can't think of anyone I'd vote for as even remotely attractive. Shame on you John. I have to wipe the snot off my computer now.

Sheesh, was I the only heterosexual male that actually voted for male photos? I would have thought that rational scientists could get beyond our socializations... then again, that was one sexy ape. And the black circles making an illusion of a box. That's sooo hot!

Yours is definitely the best.
The rest of the bloggers were either sleeping or talking about things not related to science.
Good work! Keep it up! You have my support!

So, a diversity of animals rank higher in sexiness than most science type lads. At least now I know why I had such a difficult time with the ladies...


By Martin Christensen (not verified) on 05 Sep 2006 #permalink

You did well considering you are handicapped by being a bearded male. And you can change both, if you feel the need to improve ranking...

By Torbjörn Larsson (not verified) on 05 Sep 2006 #permalink

Some of us have thought for a long time now that you are hot, PZ. And a subset of us don't drink.

Great nipple pic, BTW. Looking forward to the nude series.

It's not so much that you're hot, PZ, as much as other science bloggers are even less hot. Still, it's an accomplishment of some kind.

What am I doing at #4?

Well, you probably should have been higher, but you know the amount of randomness that goes into these things.

I tended to vote for the human, rather than designs. Even an old guy with a 70s handlebar moustache is more appealing to me than any of a thousand nearly identical patterns. At least I'd have interesting company.

Or maybe I just find kitsch hilarious.

Don't try the False Modesty thing, PZ. You're hot and you know it.

I never could get the pictures to show up, no matter what browser I used. Hmpf.

PZ has a non-traditional hotness. ;)

By Unstable Isotope (not verified) on 06 Sep 2006 #permalink