…just for an excuse to have this wedding cake.
(Don't worry, Mary—I want the bride to be the same person I married the first time.)
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SkookumPlanet sent me a tantalizing photo.
Contemplate the possibilities.
(Don't worry, Mary, I'll never trade you in.)
Wow! I wonder if Ankh-Morpork is curry flavoured.
No, it would be represented by a carbuncle...
As catered by CMOT Dibbler. I'll pass, thanks.
The sad part is that, off the top of my head, I can name the turtle, and two of the elephants.
I thought it was "turtles all the way down," or am I confusing this with another story?
Little Known Fact: You don't actually have to get married to have cake. Not even tortoise-shaped cake. Or tiered.
If more people knew this, the divorce rate would go down.
Hans - you are confusing it with an anecdote. The Discworld rests on four elephants on the back of the Great A'Tuin, who rests on nothing - she swims through space.
Hmm. Leave the elephants and the disc off, and my wife would absolutely love this cake.
You eat endangered sea turtles?! I thought only Republicans did that!
Never mind the geek factor - that cake is beautiful, just as a model. That it's edible is either amazingly wonderful or criminal, depending on how you feel about the ephemeralness of art, I guess.
My sister sent me the link to the artist's home page this morning. You have to see the construction phases, too, to really appreciate this cake. *Amazing*. And correct, too, by the looks of it.
Very, very cool. You know, that cake at the U of M for Darwin Day needed some oomph--this gave me an idea for a Galapagos cake, in the shape of one of the islands, with turtles and birds. But it would definitely have to be edible. Just use lots of marzipan.