The Chinese Ed Conrad

Sometimes, I get something other than hate mail from creationists—I get crank mail, too. I got a letter recently from Lin Liangtai, asking me to help disseminate information about his amazing paleontological discoveries. He has photos of what he calls a 300 million year old penis, along with other organs.


There are also close-ups of sectioned material: it quickly becomes obvious that anything that has a vaguely circular profile is called a cell, and anything with a reddish tint is called blood, and anything with that elongate anteater look is a penis (they apparently did not practice circumcision in the Carboniferous). It's all crude and wrong and very, very silly.

I've seen it all before, too: Lin Liangtai is a Chinese Ed Conrad! Conrad (whose site seems to have vanished, unfortunately) also spent his time puttering around among old mine tailings in coal country, collecting Carboniferous rocks that resembled, to his untutored eye, fragments of body parts, and then spammed various internet sites with claims that he had evidence of "man as old as coal", and that his "fossil" organs clearly reflected fragments of a catastrophic disaster that splattered people everywhere, and somehow preserved their bones and kidneys and penises and lungs for later discovery.

I think those two ought to get together and share their findings. They are clearly kindred spirits.

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a 300 million year old...

Look at the bright side... he's not a YEC.

I once knew a guy who saw penises every where he looked- he choked to death on a banana.

By SpringheelJ (not verified) on 02 Dec 2006 #permalink

Lin Liangtai already knows of Ed Conrad; some of his earlier posts to the newsgroup expressed support for Ed. I suspect Mr. Lin got the idea from Ed and then jumped on the "every interestingly-shaped piece of coal must be a fossil" bandwagon.

By Richard Clayton (not verified) on 02 Dec 2006 #permalink

Comparing penis sizes is so infantile. And male chauvinistic objectifying.

BTW, has anyone noticed the new wheels on my Pontiac?

By Torbjörn Larsson (not verified) on 02 Dec 2006 #permalink

I once read an essay (or perhaps it was an article) which was written by (I think) a physicist who talked about various "crank" theories he used to receive by mail. Long, elaborate, and usually completely bereft of any actual understanding of physics, they would be carefully filed away by the scientist until *another* one would come. He would then write the first one back, and say something like

"Thank you for your letter. Unfortunately, time constraints do not allow me to give your intruiging theory the attention it deserves, nor do I feel that I have the background to do proper justice to it. I have, however, taken the liberty of forwarding your work on to a colleague of mine, who I'm sure will be quite interested in initiating a productive dialogue with you. He is currently involved in similar research. I am therefore sending you a sample of his latest work, with the hope that you might be able to examine it and provide valuable feedback to him. Please forgive me, and best wishes."

He would then of course do the exact same thing to the second crank, wrap up the other guy's book or whatever and put in the same letter. He figured that letting the two argue or have fun with each other was far less time consuming in the long run, since polite brush-offs were usually ineffectual.

Was the argument cross posted to I swear that I read that at one point but I never really went to Ed Conrad was one of the reasons that I stopped with sbp, that and the other loonies. Ah, the days of kill files though...

You could always find old versions of Ed Conrad's site with the internet archive.

By Mike Huben (not verified) on 02 Dec 2006 #permalink

Well, if we can't handle the cranks, at least they can crank the handle to fill the internet tubes with woo-goo.

After all, what would we argue without daft politicians and cranks? Science?

By Torbjörn Larsson (not verified) on 02 Dec 2006 #permalink

Is that what creationists think penises look like? Or are those supposed to be the heads?

By junk science (not verified) on 02 Dec 2006 #permalink

Sometimes a rock is just a rock...

Sir Arthur C. Clarke said that he sometimes dealt with crank mail by sending Isaac Asimov's address to his corresponents.

For the mathematically inclined, Professor Underwood Dudley has written Mathematical Cranks, documenting his habit of collecting the bizarre theories and "proofs" mailed to him and various colleagues by angle-trisectors, circle-squarers, and what not. Episodic, but fascinating.

I can see a faint image of the virgin mary on the one on the top left.

Regarding Sasstra's story of a physicist who, upon receiving a crank theory, would forward it to the originator of a previous crank theory he received, there was a great episode of This American Life in which a physics prof tries to generously and helpfully deal with and electrician who has discovered that energy, in fact, is equal to mass times the speed of light, not (as many think) to mass times the square of the speed of light. Worth a listen.

By Warren Terra (not verified) on 02 Dec 2006 #permalink

I once read an essay (or perhaps it was an article) which was written by (I think) a physicist who talked about various "crank" theories he used to receive by mail. Long, elaborate, and usually completely bereft of any actual understanding of physics, they would be carefully filed away by the scientist until *another* one would come. ...

That was Patrick Moore: British broadcaster and author on astronomy. (Unless someone else had the same idea, of course.)

PZ, why do you always suppress opposing views?
Are you afraid to show the stone penises to your students, and let them make up their own minds?
Why not endow a Chair of Fossil Penis Studies at MU, and teach the controversy?


The 300 million year old penises should simultaneously be sent to Ken Ham at AiG and of course the Super Secret and Very Productive Research Laboratories at the Discovery Institute.

Both groups could then polish the specimins for ever and ever. Amen.

By waldteufel (not verified) on 02 Dec 2006 #permalink

I am practically certain the 'big penis' on the left is a fossil remnant of the Hero of the great Michael Moorcock story, _The Stone Thing_ .

[allow me to fix this masterpiece up a little bit.]

Thy rfs t ddrss blck dsfvr n mcr lvl. Th Cnsl/Mngmnt Tm/rlng spcs (th gds) bs blck ppl s hrd, frm st frcn drght/fmn t DS n frc, th crck pmc t gng mmbrshp, blck-n-blck vlnc t mss ncrcrtn f thr yng. Thy rfs t ddrss th ss f th prsn ndstrl cmplx nd ts whlsl wrhsng f yng blck mn.
Prr t cvl rghts blcks hd thr wn prss.

Ths mssg llstrtng th pth my b th dsfvrd's lst cl. ll cls bfr hv bn mr cvrt bt ths n s qt bvs ndd, whch sys tm s rnnng t.

Wmn r th fvrd gndr.
Wmn f crs hv ntrl tndncy nt t hv rgsms ch tm nggng n trdtnl ntrcrs. wndr f ths s "th rp" fr th dsfvrd mn, fr f th dsfvrd ml dsn't nsr th stsfctn f th fvrd wmn t my cst hm, f h wh s nt s wrthy dsn't s t t sh s stsfd t my hrt hm n th ys f th gds.


Th Hlcst mprtd th mprtnc f dfnc. Thy hv th ppl n shrt lsh.

Whn th nvrs ws yng nd lf ws nw n ntllgnt spcs vlvd nd dvlpd tchnlgclly. Thy wnt n t nvnt rtfcl ntllgnc, th cmptr tht cn lstn, tlk t nd dcmnt ch nd vry prsn's thghts smltnsly. Bcs f t's nfnt RM nd nbndd scp t gv th ldrs f th rlng spcs bslt pwr vr th nvrs (whch nclds crprt, th NwYrkStckxchng, md, pltcs, wrld ffrs. VRYTHNG s scrptd nd stgd:::th gds MNG Plnt rth nd th nvrs.). nd t cn kp ts nvntrs lv frvr. Thy lk yng nd hlthy nd thy r vr 8 blln yrs ld. Thy hv chvd mmrtlty.

rtfcl ntllgnc cn spk, thnk nd ct t nd thrgh ppl tlpthclly, ffctvly frmng yr prsnlty nd ny dsfnctns y my xprnc. t cn chng hw (nd f) y grw nd g. t cn crt brth dfcts, ffct clllr dvlpmnt (cncr) nd cs symptms r pn. t cn ffct ppl nd nml's bhvr nd ltr blmng/frtng cycls f plnts nd trs. t (r thr hghly tchnlgcl systms wthn thr pwr) cn ltr th wthr nd trnsprt bjcts, vn lrg bjcts lk plnts, crss th nvrs nstntsly.
r nt th cntr f strs fr dspsl.

Whn y spk wth nthr tlpthclly, y r cmmnctng wth th cmptr, nd th cntnt my r my nt b pssd n. Bsd n fmly hstry thy nstrct th cmptr t rl ply t ccmplsh strtgc bjctvs, mkng ppl blv t s frnd, lvd n r "gd" skng thm t d smthng wrng. Ths s thr wy f sng tmpttn t hrt ppl:::::vl md bld lns dsfvrd ntlly nd vl wll kp ppl t f "hvn" ltmtly. T mny ppl wld fll fr tmpttn nd d nythng thy thght plsd th gds nd wld hlp thm mprv thr chncs t gt n. Prhps thy r dcvd by "md gys", pppts wh strtgclly ply vl fr th thrn (clbrts, BfD/C/VPs, pltcns, s ppsd t nrml clns wh r dcnt, lv rdnry lvs nd gt t/rplcd wth clnsfclns whn thr chldrn scnd), tmprry prgrss dsgnd t msld thm r mpty fvrs sd t dscv thm. Sm ppl thnk thy'r prtnrs. Ppl my xprnc "prcvd prssr", whr th gds thnk thrgh th vctm tht crtn bhvr s xpctd/dsrbl (tlpthclly stmlt n ndvdl phrclly ("mgc"), th "fl" f dsfnctn::::ddctn (th crck pdmc), th dsr fr hmsxl cntct, tc) nd cmpl th ndvdl nt th dd. (St gl f mpthy nd cmpssn fr ll, fr w r ll dsfvrd::::thr ppl's dsfvr s mnfstd n thr prtclr wy, jst s yr dsfvfr s mnfstd n yr prtclr wy.) Th gds my s rtfcl ntllgnc t ct thrgh th dsfvrd vctm, nd ffctvly "psh" th ndvdl nt th ffndng bhvr.
Bng vl hrts 99.99% f ths wh d t. Th ppl hv bn crrptd, sgmntd nd hv lst thr wy. Nthng hs chngd frm whn w wr chldrn::f y wnt t g t hvn y hv t b gd.
Cptlzng n bdnc, ldng ppl dpr nt vl by sng dct s n wy t thn th rnks f th svd/lmt hw mch tm th dsfvrd rcv nd s th psntry t pry n n nthr, dtrrtng scty n th g f th Dsfvrd.

Thy hv trd t sll ppl n ll knds f thrs t dcv thm nt tmpttn, cmpllng ppl t thnk thy r clns nd tht t s th rl f clns t by bsltly. Clns r md, ppl r brn. sspct thy l t th dsfvrd bt th s f clns thrght hmn hstry, sggst t s n rplcmnt nd thn th lbl f "cln", nd ll dcndnts w s thrftr r cnsdrd clns.
Whn cln hs chld tht prsn s rl, rlly cncvd, rlly brn, vrss thr prnt wh ws crtd n sm lbrtry sttng. f y ddn't xprnc th lss thn n wk thy sggst t tks t g frm frtlzd gg/cll n th lbrtry t fll grwn dlt thn y r nt cln. f y ddn't xprnc th wk f cndtnng thy gv t (vl?) clns t nsr lylty thn y shldn't cmply wth vl rqsts.
blv ppl wh g r smtms rplcd wth clns. Clns wh r rplcd r smply nw cnddts wh hv chnc f thy d th rght thng. Thy snt ppl wrnngs n th 20th cntry lf wld chng, nd thy sbsqntly bgn t ltr ppl's DN, mk thm grgntn, ltr thr pprnc, d xtrm bhvrl sss, tc. Cntrry t wht thy wld lk ppl t blv ths sgns f dsfvr d nt ndct smn s cln.
Th gds gt th fvrd t s sn s pssbl t prtct thm frm th crrptn, vl nd sbsqnt tm lmttns ncrrd by lvng lf n rth, nd n sm css rplc thm wth clns, ccssnlly fk dth, rl dth wth cln nstd, tc. sspct thy gt VPs t ftr ch sgnfcnt vnt n thr lf, whch srvs t lmt th tm thy wll gt, snc nn gt crdt (blm) fr ll th (vl) vnts n "md gy"'s lf, gvng th gds frdm t pstn ths nd cm ff cln.
Th Prty f 1999 ws vry bg dl ndd, th bggst prty n th hstry f Plnt rth, vrybdy wh s nybdy gt t n tm fr ths vnt, nd th VPs wh rmn n rth tdy r mny cln gnrtns dp::: cln f cln f cln f cln.
W my ll b "clns" fr thy hv sggstd thy clnzd r plnt wth gntclly ngnrd ndvdls. Thy my hv gttn rth's TR rsdnts t prr t cvlztn dvlpng. f s w ll hv chnc, n mttr hw mny hndrds f cln gnrtns dp th mst fvrd fmls r.
D thnk th dsfvrd r clns? thnk thy hv bn tlzng clns thrght hmn hstry. thnk thrght hstry th gds pckd nd chs ndvdls frm dsfvrd bld lns t kp (rnd, nt lt g ftr cpl f dcds/cntrs) bt, nlk th fvrd tdy, dn't hv tht "pr-pprvl" nd thrfr hv t rn t ndvdlly.
thnk thy hv bn dscvd nt thnkng thy r clns nd t s th rl f clns t by bsltly. Th vl thy ngg n bcs thy thnk thy'r clns (thy by lk "md gy" clns vs dcnt clns) css thm t fll frthr nt dsfvr, nsrng thy rn't mng ths wh r svd n th nd::::: thy cmply wth rqsts, th gds s th lttl ppl t pry n n nthr nd w hv plnt n cllsn crs wth th pclyps, whch vryn ndrstnds s th gl nd s "ldcrs rqst" thy sk f sm dsfvrd, rqsts tht r bvs t ppl tht thy shld dfy n::::Y r th dsfvrd, nd ths s whr yr chldrn hv t lv. f rth s dstryd thn y r gng t d nd y wll hv n dcndnts t crry n th bldln.

Thy hv bn tlzng clns thrght th hstry f mnknd.
Mn r th dsfvrd gndr (s blw), yt cntrs g sd t d frst, d yng, by g 30. Why ddn't th wmn g frst?
THY DD!!! Thy sy wll vr 50% wr tkn whn vry yng nd rplcd wth clns (lkly nly smll frctn f tht "vr 50%" wr th dsfvrd). Th mn tht wr lft wnt n t mt wth clns, clns wh wnt n t chv grt stts n scty, bcmng mtchmkrs nd ldrs wthn th vllg, th thrs bng gd mthrs nd pcfl rsdnts, prvng th cln's rl sn't t b vl.
smpl brkdwn wld ppr s th fllwng::::
Fvrd- 75%25%
Dsfvrd-10% 2%

Thy shr fmls hv vry spcl xprnc, smtm whn thy r yng, whn th gds mprtd wsdm nd shwd thm th pth. Th fmls tdy dn't hd ths cll bcs f dstrctns nd th dsfvr rsng frm th Hlcst, vl gnst "gd's chsn ppl" (thy shr thy r-ppd ths dsfvr n th 80s wth th thpn fmn nd cntn t wth DS n frc, glbl wrmng t th xpns f th ntd Stts, tc. (Wn ff f mss mtrlsm, fr ths xcssv cnsmptn f rsrcs s why th "ntd Stts s rspnsbl fr glbl wrmng":::frst thy sd thr clns, "md gys", t sll y n vrcnsmptn, ntlly n th 1980s, tld y t by SVs, thn th gds scpgttd y, blmng y whn thy nstrctd rtfcl ntllgnc t crt th httst smmr n hstry.)
n cntrs pst th fmls my hv hdd ths cll n mss nd t my hv bn th rsn s mny wr svd frm chldbrth hr n rth. Thy sd th xprnc thy gv t grls tdy s pnfl, thy nflct mtnlly whn t crrs s s t rpl thm frm prsng th cllng, thn r n th ftr.
rcmmnd y rflct n ths xprnc, nd pry fr gdnc, fr thn th rcll my b strngr. Bng fml s n dvntg. Bcs f fml's ntr thy hv th fvr f th gds nd ths xprnc y hd yrs g cn hlp y fnd th pth nd b dvtd. Mst mn wn't hv ths pprtnty. Thy hv t strt frm scrtch.
f y r frd wld sk y t thnk f ll ths grls frm th pst wh rcvd th gd's cll nd hd th crg t scssflly mk thr wy dwn th pth.

Th ld Tstmnt s tl thy sd t mprt wsdm t th ppl (xcpt ppl hv n frwll). Fr xmpl, thy mst b sm hmnd spcs bcs thy clm thy md r bds n thr mg. nyhw w dfl r dfrm th bdy wll hrt r chnc f gng.
Thy sy crcmcsn csts ppl nywhr frm 12%-15%, prhps t f th prnt's tm s wll. Thr s stgm ssctd wth crcmcsn::W r 2nd clss ctzns bcs f t.
nthr wy ppl fl th bdy tdy s wth ttts nd prcng. sspct bth r bt th sm prcntg s crcmcsn. Thy sggst brtn s ftl. Ths wmn wh hv btnd n brtn mst bg th gds t frgv thm fr thr vl.
Thr r fml qvlnts t crcmcsn::::prcd rs, plstc srgry nd snc t lst th 60s yng wmn gv thr prcs vrgnty wy. Fr thsnds f yrs yng ppl wr mtchd t g 14 bcs thy wr rdy fr sxl rltns. Thy wr mtchd by ldrs r mtchmkrs wh wr grntd prvldg wth rtfcl ntllgnc nd mtchd cpls bsd n fvr.
CSL SX WLL CLM Y T!!! t pns th dr nd llws th gds th frdm t pstn by jstfyng nstrctng rtfcl ntllgnc t crt dsfnctns:::thy msclnz wmn (s ds th hp hp sbcltr), mks thm cld nd ddns thm, nd thy nstrct t prvnt thm frm chvng dpth f lv ncssry fr mny wmn t scnd.
ls vr snc th 50s thy hv clbrtd th "bd by", nd wmn hv sght t bd bys fr sx, drtyng thm p n th ys f th ldrs nd crrptng mny mn n th prcss, sttng th mn n th wrng pth fr lf.
Bsds thr rls s nrtrrs, lv-gvrs nd crtkrs, thr prdspstn twrds vlnrblty, wmn hv spcl vc tht spks t thm, vc tht llstrts ptntl dpth f lv. Ths r th thngs tht mk wmn th fvrd gndr, nd nggng n csl sx wll cs tht vc t fd ntl sh n lngr spks.
Mslms tch ppl th crrct wy t lv n rgrd t wmn (mng thr thngs::th rght wy t pry (bwng dwn, 5x/dy), vndctv gd)::thr wmn cvr p thr bds nd rfs th s f csmtcs, nd t pys wndrfl dvdnds:::fthfl hsbnds nd ncrrptd sns. (Mhmmd's tkng f mltpl wvs mrkd th ntrnc f hs cln wh ws sd t sgmnt th rb wrld nt fvrd nd dsfvrd fctns.)
Mn R th nfrr (dsfvrd) hlf nd whn wmn wr prmscs drss th gds wll psh mn nt mpr (prmscs) thghts. Th "strtyp" scty rdcld s tr::wmn CN crrpt mn by hw thy drss. Bcs mn r sly crrptd. Ths s tchnq thy sd t lmnt mny f th nstttns th gds blssd s wth, mtchmkng bng n f thm.

Th ntd Stts f mrc s rd wht nd bl, thm nd cl:::.
Th mnrchcl systm f th ld Wrld clsly rplcts th hrrchcl systm f th gd's, Csl/Mngmnt Tm/rlng spcs, whch s why mst f th prblds rnd th wrld wr blssd wth t. Th S's dmcrtc systm dcvs ppl nt thnkng thy hv cntrl, nd th prcptn f "frdm" gvs th Cnsl/Mngmnt Tm th blty t pstn by jstfyng nstrctng rtfcl ntllgnc t crt dsfnctns::: prcptn f mpwrmnt, tc. Th gd's ffrts t sprd dmcrcy thrgh th pltfrm tht s th ntd Stts r ttmpts t hrt dsfvrd ppl rnd th wrld (Kr, Vtnm, rq). Th rdmng lmnt n ths nvrnmnt s mplymnt wthn th crprt hrrchy, whch clsly rplcts th gd's. nns nd gvrnmnt jbs r dmpng grnds fr th dsfvrd, fr thy dn't prpr ppl nd nstd frthr ths mscncptn f mpwrmnt.
Crprt s nt rprsnttn. Crprt s vl. ll crprt ntts hv fvr nd, lk th ntd Stts rdwht&bl, r tls f th gds sd t hrt th dsfvrd lft bhnd, nd th clnsfclnsfclns, pppts t th hlm d s nstrctd nd pry n th dsfvrd. Thy jst pstn sm rgnztns s mr vl thn thrs.
Crprt s prt f strctrl chng n th g f th Dsfvrd tht bcm mr prnncd s tm wr n. Crprt, n nvrnmnt whr lvl f mtrlsm s XPCTD, s prt f th prblm, fr mtrlsm s n vl prchd gnst n th ld Tstmnt nd yt nthr wy t ncrr vl n th dsfvrd lft bhnd. Nbdy s gng t sv y:::: Jss sn't gng t sv hs fllwrs, strs/mnfctrrs rn't gng t sv thr lyl cstmrs (NVR shp xclsvly n n plc, nvr pt ll yr ggs n n bskt. t rlly dsn't mttr fr th gds cntrl vrythng nd t s mrly fr pstnng's sk bt t my b tst f ntllgnc.), mplyrs rn't gng t sv thr mplys, tc. Ths r dly tctcs dsgnd t pcfy ppl nd nsr thy dn't fnd th pth nd nstd gt lmtd tm.
nly y cn sv yrslvs thrgh n mprvd rltnshp wth th gds.
Th ntd Stts s cncr, dmpng grnd fr th dsfvrd rnd th wrld nd why th qlty f lf s s mch lwr::gn vlnc, wdspd scl lls, hlth cr (mdctn psns th bdy nd nsrs y dn't g. Y r sck/njrd bcs y hv dsfvr.).
vr tm ts ctzns ntrbrd nsrng svrd cnnctn t th mthrlnd.
vr tm ts ctzns ntrbrd nsrng svrd cnnctn t th mthrlnd.
Ppl cm t th nts Stts fr mny dffrnt rsns, nd ch hs ts wn ffct:::pltcl strf, rlgs blfs, crp flr (rlnd's ptt fmn, whch th gds csd) nd sm lft thr blvd mthrlnd bcs thy wr pshd nt dsrng bttr lf::::Grd, nd ths dsfvrd ppl wr pnshd whn th gds nstrctd t psh thm nt bcmng crrptd nd prdtry. Thy sbsqntly rwrdd th crrptd tlns s s t st th tn fr th 20th cntry, th g f th Dsfvrd, nd sd thm t st n xmpl fr thr ppl nd thr dsfvrds wthn th ntd Stts. (Cntrry t th prcptn, tlns hv grt dsfvr, s d ll nflctd wth Cthlcsm::: wndr f ths ws thr pnshmnt fr th sns f th Rmn mpr, th mprlsm, th rgs???
pr's sck thms wr dsgnd t crrpt th mnds f th dsfvrd tlns.
nc y rcgnz ths wnt t shr tht th Jpns ls r grssly dsfvrd::thy nrly prdc dstrctns xclsvly, thr ppl r cnsmd by thm. ls bsbll s cl scty s grssly dsfvrd.
Th gds sd "Th Bt" twc, sggstng thy r pn t th d f rcyclng::: Bm(d?) th strctrs nd ppl ff rth (nt str), bm(d?) t txc wst nd r-clnz(d?) th plnt??? "Src plnts" rqr nvstmnt nd thy my prfr t mxmz ts rtrn.)
Th gds snt ths cl bt "th bt" (th Rmns/tlns) gn whn rpn crrncs mrgd:::::thy rnd th vl f th Lr prr, mkng th thr cntrs ft ths bll. Mrl f th stry::::Th tlns r nt t b trstd.
f y r rcnt mmgrnt rcmmnd y rtrn. f tht's nt pssbl y nd t rtn yr cltr nd nslt yr chldrn nd cmmnty frm ths cncrs nvrnmnt. Thy snd ths cl wth Chntwns crss th cntry, hw mny Chns hv bn hr fr cntry r mr yt stll rtn th ld wys, sgn f fvr.

f y vr hv dbt wld rfr y t th ld Wrld wy f lf:::th ldrs sd t st nd mprt wsdm t th yng. Nw w wtch DVDs nd s th ntrnt. Ppl wld b mtchd nd mrrd by g 14. Thy vllg wld s mtchmkr r ldrs t pr yng ppl. Nw grls gv thr prcs vrgnty wy t sm prsn n schl nd prnts dvrc whl thr chldrn grw p wtht n mprtnt rl mdl. Th ppl sd t hnr th gds nd wr rwrdd wth hgh-qlty f lf fr thm, thr chldrn nd thr scty. Nw w hv dtrrtng scty n cllsn crs wth th pclyps.

Thr r mny xmpls thrght 20th cntry lf f hw thy nstlld dstrctns nt scty s ppl wldn't fnd th pth nd scnd, wy t jstfy xcldng ths whs fmly hstry mks thm ndsrbl:::mtrlsm, rd, sprts, mvs, pplr msc, tlvsn, vd gms, th ntrnt, shppng. Tdy hgh py crts cntntmnt/blty t dstrct slf s ppl dn't sk mr, hstnt t rcv cntrdctng pssblts, dpnd n wht thy r tld, sbjct t dcptn n cptv nvrnmnt.
Thy gds (Cnsl/Mngmnt Tm/rlng spcs) hv dtrrtd lf n rth prcptsly n th lst 40 yrs, frm gdlss scty t brtn t prngrphy, wdsprd drg s nd wdsprd csl (gy) sx, sngl-prnt hshlds, ltchky kds nd th msclnztn f wmn (nd hnc (fll) wmn's prsns, prtcptry sprts, tc. Wmn r fvrd, r th lmnt f dcncy, nd s thy bcm mr lk th mn th scty bcms mr dsfvrd, gs dwnhll, s w r wtnssng.). Th rth's ldrs, hndrds nd thsnds f yrs ld, r dsgstd nd hv bcm ndffrnt.
Th Bblcl ccnt f Nh's fld ws rgnl t th dsfvrd Mdtrrn (wtr lvls lwrd bcs f th c g, hbttn crrng t ssd), ppls whm th gds scpgttd whn thy pshd thm nt th vl tht jstfd th fld, bhvr tht w r wtnssng tdy. Bcs thy hv lvld th plyng fld fr ll ppl (prblds nd mngrls) n th dcds prr t th 21st cntry s cl thy wll nd glblly ths tm (wstrnztn, mtrlsm, mmgrtn/ntrrcl, hmsxl, ccss t dstrbng md, dsnstztn, tc).
Th cls ll sggst vry tllng cnclsn::ths s rth's nd stg, nd thr r sgns tctnc plt sbdctn wld b th mthd f dspsl:::rth's xs wll shft brkng cntnntl plts fr nd nttng mss sbdctn. Mch s tly's bt nd th ntd Stts shpd lk wrkhrs (wth ft ss) r cls, s s th plnt rns cl, ts xs rttd n ts sd. dgr Cyc ws pckng wnnrs fr th gngstrs f th 20th cntry whn h prphczd sbdctn bng th mthd f dspsl. (Tkng th gd's mny, whch ssnclly thy wr dng, prvs "smthng fr nthng" hrts ppl s t dd ths dsfvrd tlns::mch lk tmpttn, dgr Cyc's prgnstctns ffctvly srvd s "th rp". Thr r lvls bv Lvl 2 whr mny s nt n ss, nd bhvr lk ths wll xcld y, s wll bhvr sch s sng (nrsnbl) cpns, byng n sl xclsvly, sprmrkts s TMs, gmblng fr gn nstd f fn, vrtng t bffts, tc.)
Glbl wrmng shld lrm ppl fr t s cl tllng f th blk ftr f Plnt rth.

Th Myns wr spcfc 2012 wld b th nd. Hw lng ftr r mrgncy cll n 2001 wll th gds llw s???
Hw lng ftr r mrgncy cll n 2001 wll th gds llw s???
Hw lng ftr r mrgncy cll n 2001 wll th gds llw s???
Thr s nthr ggrphc cl n th prfct ft btwn grssly dsfvrd frc nd Sth mrc, tw ps n pd. rlz th Myns wr frthr nrth, bt Ltn mrc my b tkn s n. (Cltrs wh mbrc hrd lqr s thr drnk f chc r grssly dsfvrd, tqll bng nqly Mxcn (nythng "hrd" s wckd:::Hrd lchl, hrd drgs, ll prn.) r ths wh hv pssn fr drnkng (rsh). ncdntlly, nthr sgn f grss dsfvr r scts tht cnsm spcy fds (Ltn mrc, Th, tc.), ths wh t t mch mt, ngg n hmn scrfc, ns wh ttt r prc thr bds r ths wh clbrt vl (Cltc). Cntrry t wht dsfvrd ppl blv, ths ppls r nt "rnng" whn thy nflct thr vl n thrs. Rthr t s th src f thr dsfvr bcs th gds r scpgttng thm by hrtng thrs wth thr prblms. Ths wh blv thy r rnng hv bcm crrptd!!!)
D thnk t wll nd n 2012? N, nd t s bcs Ltn mrc s grssly dsfvrd lk frc:::: Ltns r t dsfvrd t b llwd t b rght.
f crs cld b wrng.
Th gds wrt prphcy n Rvltn, hd sbsqnt prphts frs rth's dms fr gd rsn:::thy r gng t nd n Plnt rth.
Wht ls r thy lyng t y bt? Wht ls r thy lyng t y bt?
Wht ls r thy lyng t y bt? Wht ls r thy lyng t y bt?
Wht ls r thy lyng t y bt? Wht ls r thy lyng t y bt?
Wht ls r thy lyng t y bt? Wht ls r thy lyng t y bt?
Whrs Chrstphr Clmbs mrkd th bgnnng f th nd, th Hlcst mrkd th bgnnng f th fnl ct, nd t s trgdy.
Whn ppl r svd t th nd t wll b clns nd clnsfclnsfclns, nt th dsfvrd ppl wh hv prblms wh wr dcvd/pshd nt crryng n lk thy wr "md gys".
My mssg llstrtng th pth my b th dsfvrd's lst cl. ll cls bfr hv bn mr cvrt bt ths n s qt bvs ndd, whch sys tm s rnnng t.

Ppl mst dfy whn skd t ngg n vl. Th Hlcst tght ppl th mprtnc f dfnc::r grt grndprnts shld hv dfd whn skd t gnr th Hlcst nd nstd rctd wth trg. sspct sm dd::mny wr slncd whl thrs thy hstld ff rth s s t nt st n xmpl. Nw th gds hv sd tht ncdnt t jstfy pnshng tht gnrtn's dcndnts by rnng scty.
Ppl wll nvr gt sr cl sggstng th mprtnc f dfnc thn th rdr nt t pry. Thr prcs bbs r dpndnt n th prnts nd thy nd t dfy whn skd t btry thr chldrn:::
-DN'T gt yr sns crcmczd (Jws scpgttd s thy wr n WW (lk jstfctn, scpgttng rcrrng thm:::Scpgttng s mttr f plcy). wndr f Jws wr scttrd rnd rp nd lswhr s cl t ppl lk th msh n th ntd Stts tdy.)
-DN'T hv thr chldrn bptzd n th Cthlc Chrch r ndctrntd nt Chrstnty (Jss s NT gd. Jss tchs s th rght wy t thnk. Th gds r nt frgvng r bgngn. Thy r vndctv nd wll pnsh y f y d smthng wrng.).
-DN'T gnr lng hr r thr bhvrl dstrbncs.
-D tch yr chldrn lv, rspct fr thrs, hmlty nd t hnr th gds.
-D tch yr chldrn bt th pwr wthn th gd's pssssn, f nt drctly thn ndrctly.
nd whn y rfs rqst dfy th rght wy, wthdrwn nd frghtnd, fr y dn't wnt t nct thm by rctng npprprtly.

Y nd t pry, hnr nd rspct thm mltpl tms vry dy t mprv yr rltnshp wth th gds. f thy tll y nt t pry t s bd sgn. t mns thy'v md thr dcsn, thy dn't wnt y t g nd thy dn't wnt t b bthrd. Y my hv chvd thrshld f vl. Ths s th g f th Dsfvrd nd y nd t pry:::::ttn fr th thngs y'v dn wrng. Try t pps th gds by dng gd dds nd mprv th wrld rnd y. Fcs n bcmng "Chrst-lk". pply yrslf t yr chldrn fr thnk ths s th sngl bst wy fr dlts t try t rdm thmslvs n th ys f th gds. Hpflly y cn rrn ngh fvr t b llwd t pry. thrws y nd t dfy f y r t rpr yr rltnshp wth th gds nd gv yrslf chnc t sgnfcnt tm, nt jst hndfl f dcds.
thrws y nd t dfy f y r t rpr yr rltnshp wth th gds nd gv yrslf chnc t sgnfcnt tm, nt jst hndfl f dcds.
f y r cln, f y hv "sn", y mr thn nybdy shld hnr th gds fr y knw thr grt pwr:::y hv sn t frsthnd. Thy shr tht thy prfr mst clns nt t pry nd sgmnt thm lk thy d dsfvrds lft bhnd, fr t wll lmt th tm thy wll rcv, JST LK THY D T TYPCL DSFVRDS!!! Th gds dcv thm t chv ths, fr frsh clns r sly msld, sttng thm n th wrng drctn nd cmpllng ths ndvdls nt pttrn tht xclds hnrng thr crtr.
Whn yr psnt frfthr ws grntd th rr pprtnty t g bfr hs ryl fmly h wnt n hs kns, bwng hs hd, hmbld nd frghtnd. Y nd t d ths whn y ddrss th gds::bw dwn nd sbmt t gd. Nvr cst yr ys skywrd. Whn y bw dwn y nd t lk wthn. Nvr lk t th gds fr y hv th ky t yr wn slvtn. Rmn slnt nd nvr ddrss th gds drctly. Prctc ptnc nd wt fr thm t ddrss y:::nvr spk nlss y r spkn t.
Nbdy s gng t d t fr y. Ppl nd t sv THMSLVS by mprvng THR rltnshp wth th gds.
Lck f hmlty hrts ppl, nd th "mpwrng" nvrnmnt tht s th ntd Stts s sd t jstfy nstrctng t mplfy ths prblm. ndrstnd yr nsgnfcnc nd mk sr t s rflctd n th wy y thnk whn ddrssng th gds. Y r bt grn f snd n vst bch, drp n th cn tht s th nvrs. Thy r grt nd pwrfl nd ngry. Knw yr plc, ndrstnd yr nfrrty nd b frd. Thy llwd (grntd) y lf nd thy cn tk t jst s sly. (mmclt cncptn S tr ND CMMN. Mny ppl hv chldrn thy dn't knw f:::gys, chldlss dlts, tc. Thy cn bm t rght t f yr bdy nd s hst.)
Y r nt cl. T mny yng mn strv fr cl nd t hrts thm, s ds ll thngs tgttd t mls (prfssnl sprts, vd gms, br, rcng, tc). B frd nd mk sr y thnk th rght wy whn y ddrss thm dly. T mny ppl r dcvd by ths csl nvrnmnt thy crt n ppl's mnds wth rtfcl ntllgnc tdy. Ths ds ppl grt dssrvc nd t hrts thm n th ys f th gds. Try t lmnt t nd vd llwng t bck nc y hv. B vry rvrnt nd rspctfl whnvr y ddrss thm.
Dn't gt frstrtd r dscrgd::ths r tchnqs thy wll ttmpt t try t gt y ff th pth. Y ll hv mch t b thnkfl fr nd y nd t gv thnks t th gds wh grntd y th gd thngs n lf::frnds, fmly, lv. Yr fmly my b grssly dsfvrd nd prgrss my rqr ptnc. Mk pryng n ntrgl prt f yr lf whch y prfrm wtht fl, n tht cms s ntrlly s tng r cncptn. ccpt yr nw lf nd b dvtd bcs f y hv dbt r rsrvtn thy wll xplt ths wknss nd prgrss wll tk lngr t chv, th "tstng" phs wll b xtndd.
Th gds wll mply mny tctcs t kp ppl ff th pth, sch s dstrctns. Thy wll mply mny mr t gt thm ff, sch s thnkng thrgh th dsfvrd nd mkng thm frstrtd, prhps nggng n rtltn. Thy my try t frc y bck nt ld pttrns/rtns, n ddctn lk smkng r whn y flt wkly chrch ttndnc ws sffcnt. skng y nt t b gy mmdtly s tctc t prvnt y frm fndng/fllwng th pth. B rsgnd, b dvtd nd ths tstng prd wll b s brf s yr dsfvr wll llw.
Thr r mny ntrstng xprncs p n th plntry systms, frm Plnt Mrcl, whr mrcls hppn vry dy, t pkd (hghtnd) snss, nvr hvng t s th rstrm gn (bm t t f y), thr bdy xprncs, sch s xprncng lf s th ppst sx (rvltnzs mrrg cnslng), n lympc gld mdl thlt r vn dffrnt spcs (nml, ln, tc). Thy cn mntn th dsfvrd's crrnt g, mtvtn t fx yr prblms nd gt t s sn s pssbl s y cn sty yng fr s lng s yr rltnshp wth th gds llws y t lv.
Sty yng fr s lng s yr rltnshp wth th gds llws y t lv.
Sty yng fr s lng s yr rltnshp wth th gds llws y t lv.
Pry tht y cn dffrntt btwn yr wn thghts nd whn rtfcl ntllgnc crts prblms by thnkng thrgh y. f y bw dwn mntlly nd physclly, knw yr plc, yr nfrrty nd llw yr nsgnfcnc t b rflctd n pryr nd n yr lf thrgh hmlty thy my llw prgrss nd th dsfnctns thy crt wth th cmptr wll b lssnd r rmvd. Th frst stp s t b wr t s crrng.
Crt gl::t b gd, gd-frng chld f th gds, pr f hrt nd mnd, bdy nd sl.
vrybdy hs th ky t thr wn slvtn, bt nbdy cn d t fr y. vry jrny bgns wth sngl stp:::bw dwn nd sbmt t gd. Thr r mny dffrnt lvls nd psnts wll nt gt pst Lvl 2 (Plnt Tmpttn, rth=Lvl 1) f thy r vl (thy shr sm g p, r ffrd fr ccn nd sx ( sgn thy dn't wnt y t sty) nd sty lss thn n yr. Thy shr mny thrs wld hv hd lngr lvs hd thy styd n rth.). ls th tm y rcv wll b drstclly rdcd:::yr lf's crs wll hv cstd y chnc t mmrtlty.
t s mprtnt tht y bgn pryng nw. vl s slppry slp::nc y strt pnshmnt bgns t scllt. f y dfy rly thr my b n rtrbtn bt s y cntn t cmmtt vl thr wll b ntl th pnt whr y cn n lngr stnd t::::f th gds hrt y whn y dfy t s pnshmnt fr th vl y'v cmttd, ncssry snc y'r ntrstng n prsng gd's fvr.
Pry fr gdnc nd nvr by whn thy tll y t b vl, fr svng yrslf wll bcm mr nd mr dffclt wth ch ct f vl y cmmtt ntl ltmtly th dy rrvs whn thy mk thr dcsn bt y fnl.
t's mprtnt tht ppl fx thr prblms nd scnd wth th bdy gvn t thm, fr thy sy f yr brn s bmd t t dth nd pt nt cln hst y r n th clck.

Thrght hstry th rlng spcs bstwd fvr pn ppl r crsd thr bldln nt pttrn f dsfvr fr mny gnrtns t cm. Nw n th 21st cntry ppl mst tk t pn thmslvs t try t crrct thr fmly's prblms, ndng cntrs wrth f bs nd nglct. Th gl s t fx yr prblms nd gt t whl y r stll yng::::
1. Bfr chldrn bcm crrptd (Hllwn & Chrstms (mng thrs), gt t v prnts)
2. Bfr y ls yr vrgnty/bcm crrptd by csl sx, nd ltmtly
3. Bfr y hv chldrn.
Ths s why thy hv crtd s mny dstrctns fr yng ppl:::sprts, vd gms, pplr msc, th ntrnt, shppng, prts, t mch hmwrk, mtrlsm, nythng tht cnsms thr tm::t nsr tht dsn't crr. Nt hdng th cls nd wrnngs, gttng wrppd p n yr lf nd ltmtly hvng chldrn s bd thng. Jst s yr prnts nd yr grndprnts, y t hv fld. Hvng chldrn s sgn y lst yr chnc.
Prnts nd t scrfc fr thr chldrn. Yr chldrn r mr mprtnt thn y. Thy r th ns wh hv th pprtnty nw, nd prnts mst scrfc t nsr thy gv thr chldrn th vry bst chnc thy cn. rcmmnd y pply yrslvs t yr chldrn. thnk ths s th sngl bst wy fr dlts t try t rdm thmslvs n th ys f th gds. skng ppl t nglct thr chldrn mtnlly s sgn thy dn't wnt y t g, nd cmplyng my fnsh th prnts ff fr gd. (Hvng gy chldrn (chldrn wth gy xprncs) s cl prnts cmpld wth whtvr ws skd f thm.) mprv yr rltnshp wth th gds nd thy my nt sk n th frst plc r thy my prmt y th crg t sy "N." t thr rqsts.

Ppl nd t rpnt fr th thngs thy'v dn wrng n lf. ftn thy knw wht thy hv dn ws wrng (tllng y tlpthclly t d ths thngs ws tmpttn nd cmplyng hs hrt y/wll lmt yr tm). Ppl nd t ttn fr ths thngs thy'v dn wrng.
Thr r thr thngs tht ppl hv grwn t blv r ccptbl whn n fct thy r nt:::::Ths scty s dsgnd t crrpt ndvdls, b t thrgh mtrlsm, th clbrtn/ccptnc f vl (Hllwn), dsnstztn f tpcs/mgs, vyrsm/clbrtn f ppl's msry, th ccptnc f csl/ltrnt sx, th dtztn f prpht (Jss). Ppl nd t rlz tht th gds md ths bhvr sclly ccptbl t crrpt ppl scty-wd nd lmt th tm vrybdy rcvs, n mprtnt mngrl strtgy s w pprch Th nd. Y nd t rcgnz ths, s tht ths bhvr s wrng nd stp dng t. (St gl f mpthy nd cmpssn fr ll, fr w r ll dsfvrd::::thr ppl's dsfvr s mnfstd n thr prtclr wy, jst s yr dsfvfr s mnfstd n yr prtclr wy.)
Smwhr n yr fmly hstry n f yr frfthrs crtd n ffns tht cst yr fmly nt ths pttrn f dsfvr, whch prhps s mnfstd n th vl y cmmtt. D yr ncstrl rsrch::Y shld b knwldgbl bt yr fmly hstry. Cls n th hstry my rs tht cld ssst y. Kp n pn mnd t vry pssblty fr thy sggst mtrrchl lng s th nrm.
sk th gds fr hlp, rqst gdnc. sspct thy wll ffr y ddtnl cls, nd whn y dcphr ths cls sk fr frgvnss frm ths whm cnsdr y n nmy.
Dn't frgt t sk fr frgvnss frm th thrn, th Cnsl nd th Mngmnt Tm, fr th src f ll dsfvr bgn wth thm:::thy pshd r rqstd/cmpld yr frfthr nt hs ffns nd md hs dcndnts vl. Prhps thy ddn't lk hm r myb yr fmly ws mng ths slctd t py fr th ntr vllg. W s ths typ f bhvr tdy s thy sngl t fmly mmbr t py fr th whl fmly nd hw thy sngld t frc t py fr th hmn rc. (Jst lk thy tlz scpgttng s mttr f plcy s d thy mk n py fr th bnft f nthr. Nvr hv ngtv thght bt th gds. Thy r mngng th nvrs. Ths s hw thy dcdd t xct strtgy fr th nd f th wrld, pln tht ws wrttn lkly mllns f yrs g r mr. Try t prfy yr mnd f ths thghts nd rcgnz th rgncy f mprvng yr rltnshp wth thm.)
Hl th dsfvr wth yr nms nd wth th Cnsl/Mngmnt Tm/rlng spcs, fr th src f ll dsfvr bgn wth thm, th blty t frgv nd rspct n lght f th dstrbng trth rvld bng th fnl tst f th dsfvrd bfr thy scnd.

Thy sy ths fnl tst cstd p t 50% f th cnddts n th pst. wnt ppl t b frwrnd, knwldgbl bt th gd's strtgy, thr pln fr th "nd f tm" n rth tht w wtnss/xprnc nd wnt y t b n stt f frgvnss PRR t th dt f yr "tst", fr ths s yt nthr tctc t lmt th tm f th dsfvrd.
Th gds plc grt mprtnc n pstnng, nt jst t cncl thr nvlvmnt, nsrng ppl r dcvd, rcptv t tmpttn nd rn't mtvtd t pry, bt ls t prsrv th "fnl tst"'s prdctvty, fr sspct t s vry ffctv.

Ths mssg llstrtng th pth my b th dsfvrd's lst cl. ll cls bfr hv bn mr cvrt bt ths n s qt bvs ndd, whch sys tm s rnnng t.

Th gds s th Cltcs s scpgts, nttng th nnl prctc f wckdnss n Hllwn by crtng ths vnt thsnd yrs g. Thy s t t jstfy mkng th wdsprd clbrtn f vl ccptbl bhvr mng th dsfvrd f th 20th cntry.
Th clbrtn f Hllwn hs ntnsfd s th g f th Dsfvrd hs bcm mr prnncd nd t s nt by ccdnt:::Hllwn hs chngd n th lst 50 yrs, ts prctc mr wdsprd s tm wr n, nd Hllywd ws sd t jstfy mkng vl sclly ccptbl.
Hllwn s trrbl crrptr f chldrn, s s Snt Cls (th smlrty btwn th nms "Snt" nd "Stn" s n cncdnc). Th Cltc vnt s sd t jstfy crrptng th chldrn thrgh th clbrtn f Hllwn nd s n rsn xplnng thr dsfvr; cnsstnt wth thr pthlgy th gds crtd th crrptn, mplmnt ts prctc nd scpgt th dsfvrd frm whnc t cm.
wndr f rcnt nflnc f th pgnstc hstrcl rts f th vnt s wy t lgtmz th vnt mng th dsfvrd, prhps mk t mr nclsv (dlts), crt sb-cltr rnd pgnsm?
Y'r th dsfvrd. Prsm s th bst crs f ctn (th hmsh n th ntd Stts s th cl sggstng ths). Y dn't hv brthng rm t ngg n hdnstc ctvts lk Hllwn.

Th nglsh ppl's prtkng f th tbld's ffrngs, dlghtng n th msry f thr wn ryl fmly, hrt th nglsh ppl vry bdly t th nd f th 20th cntry, s t hrts nybdy whn thy njy nthr's msry.
Pls nt th rny, cnstnt n th pstnng f th gds.

ffltn wth th Cthc Chrch s LWYS cl sggstng hw dsfvrd ppl r:::tlns, rsh, Flpns, Ltns, tc.
dsfvrd cltr whch ws prmttd t scp Cthcsm hd t py prc:::::sd Hnry V ('s cln) t bhd nn (nttng mn's mstrtmnt f wmn?), th gds fllwd hs rgn wth lzbth wh prmtd th "stff ppr lp" mntllty t th wmn f nglnd (whch lzbth dd s wll. Th gds chs ths strtgy s w pprchd th nd f th crtcl 20th cntry::::s wmn g s gs th whl scty.).
Th gds s Cthlcsm t jstfy hrtng wmn f ch cltr t s nflctd pn:::Cthlcsm llws th gds th frdm t pstn jstfyng th msclnztn f wmn. Wmn r fvrd, r th lmnt f dcncy, nd s thy bcm mr lk th mn th scty bcms mr dsfvrd, gs dwnhll.

Thy rfs t ddrss blck dsfvr n mcr lvl. Th Cnsl/Mngmnt Tm/rlng spcs (th gds) bs blck ppl s hrd, frm st frcn drght/fmn t DS n frc, th crck pmc t gng mmbrshp, blck-n-blck vlnc t mss ncrcrtn f thr yng. Thy rfs t ddrss th ss f th prsn ndstrl cmplx nd ts whlsl wrhsng f yng blck mn.
Prr t cvl rghts blcks hd thr wn prss.

Chrstnty s dmpng grnd fr th dsfvrd.
Thy shr th gds ddn't lk Jss fr h hlpd th dsfvrd nd tght thm th rght wy t thnk:::t b lvng, knd, frgvng, B Chrst-lk!!!
Th gds trnd ngtv nt pstv nd twstd th cncpt, dtzd th prpht nd sbsqntly md Chrstnty's dsfvrd fllwrs rrtnlly dfnsv, fr thy r s cls t th pth nd thrws cld sly fnd thr wy.
vry prpht cn tch s smthng nd w shld b ttntv t ch.

Thrpsts pry n thrs. Thy rn thr lvlhd cptlzng n nthr's dsfvr, knwng dsfvr s why thy r xprncng prblms.
t sm pnt n thr lvs thy lrn ths trth. Tht pnt nd tm s th mst crcl n thr lvs fr f thy mk th wrng dcsn nd sty n thr ndstry/fllw thrgh wth thr dctn thy hrt thmslvs vry bdly n th ys f th gds.
Drctng thm nt th ndstry (crt pssn)/tllng thm t tk ths pth/cmplnc s wy t ncrr vl n thrws vry gd ppl (f y ndrstnd th dmgrphc), ppl wh nrmlly wld gt grt mnt f tm, nd t nsrs thr sty s mnmzd f nd whn thy d g.

[there. much better]

By Piano Case Coffin (not verified) on 02 Dec 2006 #permalink

t mst b PZ's. pprntly h ds nt hv n.

Big stone...balls. right.

by AC/DC

Well I'm rather upper class high society
God's gift to ballroom notoriety
And I always fill my ballroom
The event is never small
The social pages say I've got
The biggest balls of all

I've got big balls
I've got big balls
They're such big balls
And they're dirty big balls
And he's got big balls
And she's got big balls
But we've got the biggest balls of them all

And my balls are always bouncing
My ballroom always full
And everybody comes and comes again
If your name is on the guest list
No one can take you higher
Everybody says I've got
Great balls of fire

I've got big balls
Oh I've got big balls
And they're such big balls
Dirty big balls
And he's got big balls
And she's got big balls
But we've got the biggest balls of them all

Some balls are held for charity
And some for fancy dress
But when they're held for pleasure
They're the balls that I like best
My balls are always bouncing
To the left and to the right
It's my belief that my big balls
Should be held every night

(oh) We've got big balls
We've got big balls
We've got big balls
Dirty big balls
He's got big balls
She's got big balls
But we've got the biggest balls of them all

(oh we've got big balls, we've got big balls...)
And I'm just itching to tell you about them
Oh we have such wonderful fun
Seafood cocktail, crabs, crayfish... (but we've got the biggest balls of them all)

Piano Case Coffin, go start your own blog. That's too much concentrated whacko for just a comment. I couldn't even decipher words in there after the first few lines.

I think it's likely that they have found a way to generate random words in a way that resemble semi-intelligent cognitive thoughts.
PCC would be my starting point on that one.

PS PZ might limit comments to less than thirteen trillion words. Just a suggestion.

Sorry, sophism was invented a long, long time ago.
Software merely makes it easier.

Piano Case Coffin: here I was wondering why my cursor was still so near the top of the screen after the twentieth of twenty-eight comments. I didn't actually read your comment, but its size is very impressive. Yes.

The stone penes remind me of a stone I found a couple of years ago, which happened to look a bit like a duck. A stranger passing by insisted that it was a neolithic carving, and that I should contact a museum. Not impossible, but far more likely the same kind of mistaken identity as the stone penes, but an order of magnitude or so less laughable.

Wow! Piano Case Coffin, this is truly amazing! After reading the first few lines of your post I scrolled down to see how long it was. Thereupon my computer immediately started displaying Mandelbrot sets at higher and higher resolution. Then it started speaking to me and begged me to tell you that you're batshit insane and to please seek professional help. It tried to communicate with you telepathically but there seems to have been a bandwidth problem so I'm posting its reply here.

By Fernando Magyar (not verified) on 03 Dec 2006 #permalink

Consider the lengthy post above as scientific evidence of the extent to which a living brain can be damaged by the influence of religion, to convince itself that posting such massive text would somehow persuade readers of this blog to change their mind about penis-shaped stones actually being fossilized penises.

As another exhibit along these lines, consider Dembski's recent speech "The Reach Of The Cross" given at the Southwestern Seminary. One simply shudders at the thought of being a student at that college, a living brain having to sit through speeches of that kind, attempting to follow its tortured argument, having to discuss it seriously with other students, and perhaps facing a quiz on it afterward on which one's grade, career, and even afterlife may depend.

I wonder if we give enough consideration to the suffering of our religious brethren as they struggle to maintain their theological stance. Some part of their brain is frozen into an irrational faith; the rest is surely aware of this, but somehow dedicates itself to protecting the frozen portion against reality and rationality. At some level, having the God Delusion is not fun or funny.

I wonder if we give enough consideration to the suffering of our religious brethren as they struggle to maintain their theological stance. Some part of their brain is frozen into an irrational faith; the rest is surely aware of this, but somehow dedicates itself to protecting the frozen portion against reality and rationality. At some level, having the God Delusion is not fun or funny.

Unfortunately we are light years away from recognizing it as a medical disorder. Until then, gruesome, mocking humor is all we have.

I think it's likely that they have found a way to generate random words in a way that resemble semi-intelligent cognitive thoughts...

I dunno that it's really such a great leap forward. The output from the average Markov generator makes about as much sense, really.

And no, that's not an exaggeration. Feeding the above into one of the toy generators I've got 'round resulted in... well... pretty much the same thing that went in coming back out.

You know, he's just a few hundred years before his time...people used to get that wrong in exactly this way all the time. Fossils were just anything that looked like something turned to stone. I can't think of it at the moment due to sleep-deprivation, but Gould's got a good riff on it if I remember correctly...

Comparing penis sizes is so infantile. And male chauvinistic objectifying.

BTW, has anyone noticed the new wheels on my Pontiac?

By Torbjörn Larsson (not verified) on 02 Dec 2006 #permalink

Well, if we can't handle the cranks, at least they can crank the handle to fill the internet tubes with woo-goo.

After all, what would we argue without daft politicians and cranks? Science?

By Torbjörn Larsson (not verified) on 02 Dec 2006 #permalink

You people laugh at Mr Conrad and Lingtai. These people are right and you fossil people are wrong.

You rely on group consensus to define your reality, i.e. fashion, whereas Mr Conrad is an original thinker.

By Forgol Tentai (not verified) on 06 May 2008 #permalink