I'm going to be interviewed tonight by Karl Mogel for his Mindcast podcast. I'm not sure how this is going to work; I think it'll just be made available at some later date. Maybe he'll pop in and explain how you can listen to it. I do know you can find past episodes in the iTunes store.
He promised me he'd ask some hard questions, and also some hard questions of his other guest, the illustrious Ken Miller. We won't be on the same segment, sorry…there could be some vigorous argument if we were, and poor Karl might not be able to get in a word edgewise. It is an interesting combination, though: the extremely helpful and well-regarded speaker and biologist who is also an apologist for religion, and the pirate evilutionist with a knife between his teeth who brooks no compromise in his war against religion. We'll have to see what Karl does with the possibilities.
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Gosh, that sounds *great*. I hope I can hear it. I admire both of you, and it would be really great to hear a spirited discussion of where you guys differ, just to lay it out there clearly.
Nothing like a bit of Atheist vs. Christian biffage.
Er, all apologies for using the indecipherable Australian slang "biffage". Think rumble on a football field, that sort of thing.
It would be possible to set up a Miller-Myers brawl bash, but not for tonight's show. I'm going to try to set up a dual-interview for next week which will involve such a thing, but I'll know tonight how possible it will be.
In answer to the question about how people will be able to listen to it - I'll edit it and post it after we're done - Unless Pirates or Archangels get in the way, I'm not leaving the station until it's posted and I'll let everyone know how to get it right away.
See you in an hour and twenty, PZ.
Markk, don't worry about the word. I got it the first time. ;)
It's a good word too. Much biffage will be had I think once PZ is done.
Only a little off topic... I re-upped my subscription to National Geographic... first issue arrived got today... sheesh... Francis Collins. Read it and weep. I did.
Uncle Don
I enjoy hearing Miller talking about biological evolution, intelligent design and the creationism debate. When sticking to these topics he certainly comes across as very knowledgeable but whenever the religion thing comes up and specifically the obvious questions of miracles its like watching a finely trained runner accidentally stepping onto an ice rink. Its not so easy to argue against deistic beliefs when there is no obvious in-your-face contradiction to the known physical laws of nature but religions such as Roman Catholicism make such exceptions to natural processes a fundamental part of the belief system. Did Jesus have a Y chromosome, how did he walk on water or raise Lazerus from the dead, or come back from the dead himself and then fly up to heaven ? !
Frankly to hear someone of Miller's obvious intellectual ability try to make excuses for these things is almost embarrassing. You want people like him on your side in the Science/Creationism debate but clearly there is a lot of mental compartmentalisation going on there.
"no compromise", "war" with religion.
You are a fanatic and hurting science.
Although a debate between you and Miller would be fascinating; the tall, slim, good looking Miller against...well, PZ.
Hilarious to even thing about. And Miller speaks much better.
What's hilarious is that you find attractive people's arguments are more persuasive. The guy could look like Brad Pitt (or whoever women find attractive these days) and have the best speaking voice in the world, it wouldn't matter if his arguments in and of themselves are worth crap. Please consider medication.
This Juwanna person needs some help in alot of areas as apparently to she/he/it looks determine the veracity of debate. I personally find Angelia Jolie superior looking to both of them so whatever she says must be correct. I think she is an atheist as well so I guess that about ends it then.
"What's hilarious is that you find attractive people's arguments are more persuasive."
Kennedy/Nixon taught us that physically attractive people are, for better or worse, more persuasive.
I just resent the implication that PZ is unattractive. If only he did something about that beard . . .
Haha, or that Miller is attractive but then I'm not a woman but he looks awfully ordinary to me.
And being persuasive by ones appearance isn't the same as being correct or even having the better argument.
Juwanna missed a few:
"pirate" "evilutionist" "knife between his teeth"
Clearly PZ is a dangerous criminal out to debauch our society, pillage our ports and terrorize our seaways...
"Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin to slit throats."
-- H.L. Mencken
Arrr! Now be that time PZ!
I personally find Angelina Jolie superior looking to both of them so whatever she says must be correct. I think she is an atheist as well so I guess that about ends it then...
Heh. Yep. World religious institutions, ye may all safely disband now. The discussion, it is over.
PZ looks like a somewhat younger version of my husband. Their militant atheism and delight in science are also on a par. For some of us, science talk gets us hot.
Kennedy had better makeup.
AJ gets it.:-)
Well Juwanna, as Jesus said: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
If religion wants to start wars, it shouldn't cry to daddy when an opposition force intends to end them. The moral of the story? Act like Jesus and stop using projection and fear to blame others for the world's problems.
Don't bother with Juwanna. He/she/it is one of the usual trolls who adopts a different name almost every time they post, and just do hit-and-run sliming.
I'm experimenting a bit with troll control: I'm letting the particularly stupid slanders just sit there; after all, they indict the commenter more than they do me. I'd appreciate it if people would try to simply ignore them.
There's medication that will make people consider physical attractiveness irrelevant?
"There's medication that will make people consider physical attractiveness irrelevant?"
Good lord, sign me up. Can I load it in blowdarts?
octopod: It's called alcohol, and it's available without a prescription at many convenient outlets.
Blowdarts are generally not the preferred mode of administration, however.
The show is online now. My ISP chose last night to have my server crash, and I could not post the show until today. Enjoy.
An interesting show, thought I would have prefered more questions to the participants and less initial stuff - though the stuff about the bees was nifty too.