Do You Want Karl Rove on TV or ...

This quote comes to me from a pal who saw it on TV (there are days when I wish I had a TV, and today is one of those days, because this quote is priceless) ...

Diane Sawyer: "Why not let Karl Rove go up there and show he has nothing to hide? Testify, under oath, and with a transcript? Let everyone see it?"

Tony Snow: "This is what I love, this Karl Rove obsession. Let's back off. First, the question is: Do you want Karl Rove on TV, or do you want the truth?"

Diane Sawyer: "Why can't you have both?"



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"Do you want Karl Rove on TV, or do you want the truth?"

Diane Sawyer: "Why can't you have both?"

Best major network joke on Aristotle's Law of the Excluded Middle in quite a while...

I think Diane Sawyer is one of the best journalists in America, she gets to the point, she is a very intelligent woman. The conservatives don't like her because she's not afraid to go after them.

By julie hall (not verified) on 25 Mar 2007 #permalink

Priceless! I had a similar response when I read that the deciderator didn't want to see Congress issue subpoenas to "honorable public servants". Since Rove is neither honorable nor a public servant, W should be OK with a subpoena for him...

By Albatrossity (not verified) on 25 Mar 2007 #permalink