I have obtained a stolen, pre-release clip of Expelled!

The other interviewed guests are amazing. I thought this guy was dead!


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Oh, spot on, sir - spot on. ;o)

Although, I have to admit, I'm a little skeeved that Family Guy implied carbon-14 dating could be used on dinosaur bones. Learn your half-lives, people!

No, it would seem Carl Sagan is still hard at work; Al Gore's recent book The Assault on Reason features a ringing endorsement from him on the back of the jacket.

While I'm excited to see Carl Sagan continue to make contributions from beyond the grave, I must confess this circumstance is not easily reconciled with my worldview...

I loved that when it aired... favorite quote
"this is what rednecks watch, Brian!"

HAHA! I love Family Guy, and that is positively the best clip I've ever seen.

By abelian jeff (not verified) on 24 Aug 2007 #permalink


The youtube movie won't play.

Jesussaurus-rex, I LOL'd.

Apparently Carl Sagan is to science what Tupac Shakur is (was?) to rap music...

That was awesome! I was worried for a second that it was actually a clip from the creationist "documentary" and that they had ripped off Family Guy's animation style.

I can't wait until this edition of Cosmos appear in Wal-Marts beside the other creationist works. Thanks to McFarlane for working so many digs at this type of nonsense into his shows.

C'mon 500,000th!

By Don Kolinski (not verified) on 24 Aug 2007 #permalink

Great clip.

I'm right there with them on the Mt. Dew, though. Does this make me a redneck?

I love Family Guy.

I LOLd, too. I recently ordered the entire Cosmos series. It really is very, very good. By far the best American science program. Then this Sunday I saw a really weak Nova with Neil DeGrasse Tyson. They really have gone downhill (though I like Tyson).

I wondered what all this "500,000" thing was about. Okay, so now I know. As Cambridge is a not-very-long train journey away from me, if I win, I'll donate it to someone outside the UK. Not that I will. Never do :-(

Hey, PZ. Is "J Myers" your trophy wife?


I thought Houston was the greatest science city. We've got warm, moist Gulf air. Who can compete with that?

it would seem Carl Sagan is still hard at work; Al Gore's recent book The Assault on Reason features a ringing endorsement from him on the back of the jacket.

Which reminds me ... what is that slacker Asimov doing?? Where's his 3-volume set on the afterlife?

... I've got my name plastered on 2,150 pages ... Torbjörn Larsson has me beat by almost a thousand pages, so I should shut up now.

Posted by: Blake Stacey

I think the evidence at hand indicates that neither of us will manage to shut up.

[Fun statistic. Maybe we should model the derivatives and predict who will be most plastered in the end?]

By Torbjörn Larsson, OM (not verified) on 24 Aug 2007 #permalink

Re: #17. Thanks, hickboy, for that clip. "The Myth of Creation" was only missing the little "poip!" sounds to complete its Monty Python homage.

Re: #2

Wait, I've got my name plastered on 2,150 pages in the ScienceBlogs.com domain, and they haven't given me a prize already? Yeesh.

And how many does the odious John A Davidson have? For sheer number of words (no content) he's gotta be way up there.

-- CV

By CortxVortx (not verified) on 24 Aug 2007 #permalink

I cried at the clip from Pale Blue Dot. Carl Sagan was awesome, and I wish there was an afterlife so I could meet him.

By Dylan Stafne (not verified) on 24 Aug 2007 #permalink

OOps, you beat me to one of them, Brian, I guess that one's a classic for FG fans.

@#31, that evolution clip was hilarious... I hadn't seen it. It's amazing that this show is on Fox (shows you that despite their right winged, conservative views, all they care about is money.

It's good to see that not all cartoonists are as dumb as Scott Adams!

By Ryan Phillips (not verified) on 25 Aug 2007 #permalink

That's what I like about Family Guy, where the Simpsons just make a wink-wink joke, these guys just go full-on with the profane humor. God and Jesus are regulars in the series by the way.

About Fox, actually it's the network that has had both the smartest and stupidest shows ever. It's a paradox onto itself. I mean we get Family Guy and a lead character like House, but also all the "reality" garbage.

I'm right there with them on the Mt. Dew, though. Does this make me a redneck?

Or a computer programmer...

By PMembrane (not verified) on 26 Aug 2007 #permalink

... I've got my name plastered on 2,150 pages ... Torbjörn Larsson has me beat by almost a thousand pages, so I should shut up now.

Posted by: Blake Stacey

I think the evidence at hand indicates that neither of us will manage to shut up.

[Fun statistic. Maybe we should model the derivatives and predict who will be most plastered in the end?]

By Torbjörn Larsson, OM (not verified) on 24 Aug 2007 #permalink