Uncannily like the real thing

If you've ever tried Second Life, you will be astounded at the verisimilitude of this simulation.

(via Cairns Blog)


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The object of Second Life seems to be to spend real money to get fake sex.

I dunno, not everyone in the video looked like testosterone-fueled gorillas or implant-heavy Barbies.

I like Second Life though, its got the same sort of pluses and minuses as a set of IRC channels.

I dunno... There was some vague resemblance, but I didn't see a single person wearing a high school mascot costume and/or (usually "and") sporting a large, crudely made strap-on dildo. In addition, it would have been much more convincing if one of those conversation groups had been broken up by somebody driving a convertible into the office, getting out and flying away, just leaving the car there.

In addition, it would have been much more convincing if one of those conversation groups had been broken up by somebody driving a convertible into the office, getting out and flying away, just leaving the car there.

Especially since that seems to have been filmed in an advertising company. The more cars that crash through their walls, the better.

What was that song that was playing? I remember hearing it years ago, and now it's bothering me. Is it a remix of music from a NES game or something?

Needs more lag.

At least the item creator is somewhat fun, if only for the purpose of creating invisible cubes that shriek horribly and incessantly to scatter across the land.

Cute and funny. But way off on the demographics, there should have been at least one furry, a mopy goth, and a pamala anderson clone wearing nothing but leather straps.

Speaking of Second Life (which is unfortunately pretty lame)

'Darwin Pond' - "an Artificial Life Simulation: a virtual world exhibiting the emergence of life-like behaviors", can be found here:


Jeffrey Ventrella, one of the original developers of second life, has some pretty nifty stuff on his website.

My favorite is 'Bird'.

By Will Von Wizzlepig (not verified) on 29 Aug 2007 #permalink

All the talk on the other posts about "materialist" and "duality" and "spiritual planes" made me think of a neat idea to add to games like 2nd life and the Sims. Add the spiritual and non-material planes with different physical rules.

Okay, I'd need to work out just what would happen on those planes (ability to channel ancient Babylonians? sympathetic magic? A visable layer of karma reflecting every time you've gone to a nude beach? Maybe an ability to buy and sell absolutions and holy relics?)

Anyway, this post got me to try 2nd life for the first time yesterday. Not sure I was missing much. I mean not knowing where to go I just wandering into a bunch of bachelor pads playing bad music. I found a sailboat that would have been fun to ride but it wasn't open to strangers.

By woozy Lewsey (not verified) on 29 Aug 2007 #permalink

Popcorn likely performed by Hot Butter.

There were LYRICS???

By dwarf zebu (not verified) on 29 Aug 2007 #permalink

I dont get it. It's nothing more than a glorified avatar based chat room apparently with very bad graphics and bad netcode.

It's for clueless people in the ad industry and perverts.

People with understanding actually plays MMORPGS's if you want the so called alternate realities.

Better graphics and better netcode and much much more to do.

The level of success WoW has says it all and the ad people should look at the computer games industry and multiplayer gaming as the actual world to reap communitybuilding exposure to your products.

Product placing and licensing and outright banner ad selling is already being explored in multiplayergames.

By Bo Dixen Pedersen (not verified) on 29 Aug 2007 #permalink

"There were LYRICS???"


I dont get it. It's nothing more than a glorified avatar based chat room apparently with very bad graphics and bad netcode.
It's for clueless people in the ad industry and perverts.

The original idea was a "sandbox," where people could effectively create their own environment for what they want. If you want just an avatar-based chat set in a forest, fine. If you want a zone created as an MMORPG, go for it. The ability to create what you want was the main draw.

Unfortunately, what we've got is what happens anytime you let humans create whatever they want: mostly sex shops, gambling (now defunct) and the rest is just sheer insanity.

By Kesh@mac.com (not verified) on 30 Aug 2007 #permalink

People with understanding actually plays MMORPGS's if you want the so called alternate realities.

Some of us know how to entertain ourselves without ridiculous "quests" and other such overly structured nonsense.

I guess if you feel the need to be pigeonholed into a predefined social structure and you're not very goal-seeking, it helps to have someone tell you what you should be doing during your time online. WoW is for you. I'll stick to making my own choices on SL, thanks.

By Tukla in Iowa (not verified) on 31 Aug 2007 #permalink

Heeee. I've seriously had the urge to pick something up in RL by waving my arm at it, after a number of hours spent in SL. This was great. :D